I'm curious though, why don't any of the packaged miners properly display profit? Would there be a way to obtain information from the pool on your shares and use that for calculating profit over time in the front-end? Also, since they don't, won't that skew the auto-switching? Is it best to pick one algo and call it a day? Oh, can you post your XVG wallet address? I'd like to donate to you for your work.
Miners are pool independent. Profit is pool dependent, usually. A miner would have to interface with every possible pool to calc profit. It's just not realistic. That's what other applications are for. A miner's job is to mine coins.
Jagauthier, Nemo's miner does in fact have batch files for very specific pools (one of which I happen to use). My guess is those are pools he also mines from. I'm not asking if he can make some general feature to grab from just any pool, but rather the specific pools he's set his packaged miner up to.
Nemo's packaged miner uses ccminer, and ccminer does it's job... but he has a front-end facing application (launcher) that tries to calculate profits (as many other packaged miners do) and refreshes every 5 minutes. Because this is already a feature of his packaged miner (I assume you know this as you're in his thread). I was asking if there was a better way to calculate the information more accurately from the pools he's already aligned to since the information presently seems spotty.
Thanks for your input though!
I see! I misunderstood your question. I thought you meant the specific miner (ccminer), not the mining wrapper (nemos)