I've been using nemos and following this thread for a while now so my recall of the initial learning curve and what's been said where is a bit hazy…
I agree out of date and/or minimal documentation is an irritating aspect of a lot of mining software. At least this thread is a relatively manageable size and has a good signal to noise ratio compared to wading through with something like claymore's thread.
Thanks for taking the time to write a complete response; I'll try not to punish you unduly for doing so!
So the one thing I am going to totally disagree with you is that telling someone, "the answer is in the thread - go read it," is totally unrealistic when the thread is 100+ pages long. Granted, some questions really are stupid and don't deserve a better response, but if the question is about how the program/script/batch file works and it wasn't addressed in the very first post then it's not the noob being lazy here, it's the OP.
1) I've have always been able to run from any folder without hardcoding a path so not sure why you had to do this.
Upon further consideration, that might be because I right-clicked on the batch file and ran it as administrator so it wasn't starting in the current directory.
2) From memory mph was added later and the password requirement was probably mentioned in the thread at that time without updating the first post.
See first paragraph; if the instructions aren't in the first post - or, at least, the first page of posts - then don't expect them to be followed/known.
3) Benchmarks run when no file for the algo/miner exists in the stats folder. Selected algos will be benchmarked on their first run and this is done by actively mining it on the pool and recording the hashrate. After that a benchmark will only run if you enable a new algo, a new miner gets installed or you've deleted one/all of the files e.g. to force a new benchmark when changing a card or tweaking overclocks etc.
Gotcha. I knew it benchmarked at some point because the results are displayed in the main shell window, I just didn't know when/how it did it.
4) The -interval switch is how often the pools are checked for the best algo then the -ActiveMinerGainPct switch means it will only switch to that algo if it is earning more than x% more than the current one. This is a great new feature when the top 2 algos are only a few cents apart to stop the miner flip flopping between them every time they swapped place for little/no extra reward. In fact less because of the shares lost in switching and getting back up to speed.
I understood the -ActiveMinerGainPct switch and changed it to 5% for the very reason you explained, but the -interval switch was a real mystery; I wasn't even sure what the units were - milliseconds, seconds, minutes? Now that you've explained it I think I'll change it to 300 seconds because 30 seconds is barely enough time for most miners to get up to speed.
What's going on with your log files?! I checked a few rigs and the largest size I can find is <10MB. You've got bigger targets to save space than nemosminer logs if that's all the free space you have on the drive. I highly recommend a 64gb cheapo ssd + win10 litewinos 'distro' (from memory ~10gb installed) = plenty of free space even with a 32gb pagefile.
Oh, I wasn't running out of space... yet... but if there is not a way to specify the maximum size of a log file and/or it is not overwritten each startup then it
will consume all the free space on the drive, eventually.