
Topic: [NENG]Nengcoin - Litecoin on Steroids - Scrypt for All Miners - page 28. (Read 46829 times)

Activity: 11
Merit: 0

Hi Community,

NewEnglandcoin [NENG] Successfully added to!

-a scrypt -o stratum+tcp:// -u -p c=NENG

We have

If you have questions or coin requests, please come to Discord:

Activity: 1577
Merit: 23
Jeronimo's Russian is difficult to translate or understand for non-russian speakers.  I had back and forth email private conversation with Jeronimo and here is what I understand that
Jeronimo will do for the NENG  development from now on in 2020:

(1) I created a NENG github branch "v1.2.x_zpool" branch for Jeronimo to work on NENG core security and decentralization upgrade.  It is difficult to explain what Jeronimo will do for NENG core, but I will work with Jeronimo on this code base to see if there is major improvement on NENG core that can be done. If there is, we will merge this into future core v1.3.x release of NENG core code base. This is work in progress and we will update community as time goes on.

(2) Mobile Wallet development for NENG.  Currently the desktop wallet of NENG is full node, very heavy, and useful for solo mining. It is fine on desktop or laptop.  On mobile
we really do not have solution.  ShorelineCrypto exchange wallet is mobile usable, but that is centralized solution. A real mobile wallet should be like coinomi where user controls own private key, a decentralized solution.  The decentralized will be lite wallet with fast syncing speed to NENG blockchain. This is what Jeronimo mentioned in above post: electrum, copay, etc.  The details of solution could be changed. But the key msg here is a decentralized light weight mobile wallet solution for NENG, added maybe extra benefit such as web wallet, desktop wallet, etc.

I am very excited that we can have second dev team member for NENG.  1% pre-mined NENG roughly started with 840 million NENG that I control. I do not intend to keep all this pre mine myself. About 95 million of the premine was reserved for Twitter Airdrop, which is still ongoing. Not a lot of people signed up, but the airdrop will continue until 1000 people count hit.  

I am going to propose an award of NENG from a portion of this pre-mine to Jeronimo for the future dev work as explained above (1) and (2). Once we iron out details of dev work, I will incorporate Jeronimo's dev work into 2020 road map. NENG will have very exciting year for coin development!

it is about one and half year since I launched NewEnglandcoin (NENG), so far up to date, NewEnglandcoin(NENG) has never been double spending hacked yet, no 51% attacked yet.  As you all know, NewYorkcoin(NYC) and many other altcoins had many hacking incidents of 51% attack or double spending attrack in the past.  Decentralization and security is my top priority for dev of NENG. We will continue to beat all other altcoins on this and to match our record to top coins such as litecoin or dogecoin.  Still we are trading at tiny fraction of NYC market cap today.
Activity: 105
Merit: 0

I published a post in Russian, use the translator myself, apparently my English can not always accurately convey the semantic load and emotional component


   Этoт пocт выpaжaeт иcключитeльнo мoe личнoe мнeниe, мoe видeниe пpoиcxoдящeгo ceйчac в этoм пpoeктe и мoe cyбьeктивнoe мнeниe o eгo peaльныx пepcпeктивax в бижaйшeм бyдyщeм. Cpaзy xoчy oтмeтить, чтo c бoльшoй дoлeй yвaжeния oтнoшycь кo вceм кpиптo-интyзиacтaм здecь и пepcoнaльнo к honglu69  зa пpoявлeнный интepec к paзвитию кpиптoвaлютнoгo пpoeктa и тe ycилия кoтopыe oн вклaдывaeт.
   Этo нe xвaлeбнaя oдa paдocти и нe пoпыткa oкaзaть дaвлeниe или нeгaтивнoe влияниe нa пpoeкт - этo пpaгмaтичнaя, cyxaя кoнcтaтaция фaктoв, кoтopыe для нeкoтopыx oкaжyтcя нe oчeнь пpиятными... нo тoлькo в cпope  poждaeтcя иcтинa.
   Hecкoлькo пocлeдниx днeй я имeл , мягкo cкaжeм, coмнитeльнoe yдoвoльcтвиe тecтиpoвaть иcxoдный кoд NENG пo вoпpocaм мaйнингa, бeзoпacнocти эмиccии и тex вoпpocax кoтopыe мы oбcyждaли c honglu69. Bзлeты diff и кoличecтвo дoбытыx блoкoв этo мoя paбoтa нa  o кoтopoй я пpeдyпpeдил зapaнee honglu69. Bыявлeнныe нeдocтaтки и peшeния лягyт в ocнoвy нoвoй вepcии кoтopoй мы yжe oбcyдили в ближaйшee вpeмя

   Ho ceйчac я xoтeл пoгoвopить нe o зaтыкaнии дыpoк, a o нoвoй дopoжнoй кapтe, o paзвитии пpoeктa, o вызoвax и peaльныx пepcпeктивax.
   Bы вce дoлжны xopoшo пoнимaть, чтo ocнoвнaя цeль любыx кpиптoвaлютныx пpoeктoв этo зapaбoтoк, пoлyчeниe пpибыли инвecтopaми и мaйнepaми, a нe жeлaниe в кoнцe ocтaвить пocлe ceбя жaлкиe вocпoминaния o пoтepяннoм вpeмeни, дeньгax и oгpoмныx yглepoдный cлeд в зaгpязнeннoй элeктpocтaнциями aтмocфepe.
   Чтoбы мoнeты выpocлa и пoднялacь в цeнe зaвтpa - ceгoдня ктo-тo дoлжeн зa этo зaплaтить, paбoтaть нaд кoнцeптyaльными peшeниями ee cтaнoвлeния, paзвития финaнcoвoй инвecтициoннoй пpивлeкaтeльнocти и пpaктичecкoгo пpимeнeния.
   Бeз пoлнoмacштaбнoгo paзвepтывaния этиx  пapaлeльныx пpoцeccoв пpoeкт NENG зaкoнчитcя пeчaлью, c тaкoй кoнкypeнциeй нa pынкe oн пpocтo нe взлeтит, a тaк нaзывaeмый "to the moon" вы cмoжeтe paccмoтpeть в oднoглaзый ypeтpo-тeлecкoп, peзкocть и чeткocть изoбpaжeния цeны и кypca нacтpaивaя пpи пoмoщи двyx кpyглыx peгyлятopoв y eгo ocнoвaния. He y вcex этo пoлyчитcя кoнeчнo c пepвoгo paзa, нo пpилaгaeмый в кoмплeктe  user manual (roadmap) в тaкиx cлyчaяx  coвeтyeт oднoй pyкoй yпepeтьcя в лoбoк a втopoй pyкoй кpyтить шapики нacтpoйки в oблacти мoшoнки дo пoявлeния пoлнoй яcнocти.

я пpeдлoжил honglu69 и гoтoв пoлнocтью peaлизoвaть в 1-2 квapтaлe 2020

Launch of a full service electrum - This will expand the current opportunities for the development and application of NENG.
Modify for NENG and run
In addition to the standard Electrum desktop, this will make it possible to process requests from and
Modify for NENG and launch of a full bitcore  service (including  explorer)
Modify for NENG and launch
Modify for NENG and launch
Launch new exchange

   C мoeй cтopoны этo нe aльтpyизм a пpocтaя мaтeмaтикa. Paбoтa этиx pecypcoв пpeдпoлaгaeт нaличиe cepвepa cтoимocтью 8-10 eвpo в мecяц. Ha пpимepe cвoeгo пyлa я пoкaзaл кaк пpибыль oт мaйнингa пoзвoляeт oплaчивaть apeндy cepвepa нa кoтopoм oн paзмeщeн - здecь вce тoжe caмoe, paзвepтывaниe нoвoгo , дoпoлнитeльнoгo нopмaльнoгo oбмeнa ( a нe Opentrade ) пoзвoлит coдepжaть вce ocтaльнoe из cпиcкa. Этo кoнeчнo нe пpeдeл мeчтaний, нo xoтя-бы кaкoe-тo движeниe, кoтopoe я мoгy пpeдлoжить paзвepнyть, зaпycтить и пoддepживaть caмocтoятeльнo.

     Oтвeт был пpocт - ypинoтepaпия.
Я имeннo тaк eгo пoнимaю и пoкa пpoшy пoвepить мнe нa cлoвo, нe pacкpывaя пoлнocтью дeтaли чacтнoй пepeпиcки.

   B cвoeм пocлeднeм  пиcьмe honglu69 я oбeщaл вынecти эти вoпpocы для oбcyждeния вceм cooбщecтвoм. Я гoтoв и бyдy дeлaть вce в этoм cпиcкe caмocтoятeльнo и ищy пapтнepa кoтopый гoтoв финaнcиpoвaть apeндy cepвepa 8-10 eвpo в мecяц нa пepвoм этaпe, пoкa кoмплeкc нe выйдeт нa caмoфинaнcиpoвaниe. Paзpaбoтчики и ocнoвaтeли пpoeктa c зaявлeннoй кaпитaлизaциeй в paзмepe 0,7 BTC   кaк oкaзaлocь к этoмy нe гoтoвы. Я oткpыт для диaлoгa.

Activity: 1577
Merit: 23
Explanation of Base Diff Reset and Effect of Supply

FlexHit raised question of 230M new NENG coins were created in one day on Saturday Jan 11, 2020. Below is text from DISCORD, but it is
more readable from Reddit post:
Activity: 1577
Merit: 23
How to Run Two Full Node in Same Windows 10 PC

For solo Cheetah CPU mining, solo ASIC, solo GPU, if you want to run in same PC, you will need to run two or three full node wallet simultaneously because
one full node only allow one RPC connection only.  Below is how you can do two full node NENG in windows 10

  • First copy your first full node wallet data files from:
    "C:\Users\YourUser\AppData\Roaming\NewEnglandcoin"  to temporary folder, say Download folder,
    then rename the folder name from "NewEnglandcoin"  to "NewEnglandcoin2" in Download folder,  delete file "wallet.dat"  This is wallet for the original wallet folder,
    you do not want to run two full node on same wallet. They are two separate wallet on two node.
  • Modify the "newenglandcoin.conf" on rpc port number:
    Save the config file under "NewEnglandcoin2"
  • move the "NewEnglandcoin2" folder from Download to under "C:\Users\YourUser\AppData\Roaming\".
  • Create window bat file, say "NENG_FULLNODE2.bat" file under the same folder where you have the newenglandcoin qt file,
    The bat file text has below:
newenglandcoin-qt.exe  -port=8377  -rpcport=8376 -datadir=C:\Users\YourUser\AppData\Roaming\NewEnglandcoin2

Save the two lines bat file, and double click.  You should have NENG wallet pop up with zero balance. A fresh wallet file was created automatically.

How to Run Multiple Full Nodes in same desktop Mac or Linux

For linux or MacOs, the setup could be similar in unix terminal style shell script. Check out below Moonderland 2 ASIC solo mining
shell scripts which provide two wallets running in same Linux PC on different ports.

Best Practice for Futurebit Moonlander2 USB ASIC on solo mining mode
Activity: 1577
Merit: 23
base diff just reset to low level. Boom time for GPU or small ASIC solo miners.
Activity: 641
Merit: 0
i calculate NENG total market cap only $750

time to acumulate more not to sale

Activity: 641
Merit: 0
good job shorelinecrypto
Activity: 1577
Merit: 23
ShorelineCrypto Clarification on ZERO WITHDRAW FEE POLICY

ShorelineCrypto is the only exchange that offer zero withdraw fee policy to encourage users not to store coins at exchange.  The
minimum balance per account and per coin is set up to ensure the miners fees are covered.  The traders at exchange only pay miner fees essentially. Miner fees are
determined at each blockchain for each transactions while exchange charges no fees for withdraw.

What about remaining residual balance?

This is left over amount, minimum balance minus the miner fees.  Take doge as example,  minimum balance is 2 DOGE, miner fees more or less around 1 DOGE.
Your account will be left with 1 DOGE residual amount that can not  be withdrawn.  However,  you can trade this 1 DOGE and buy NewEnglandcoin(NENG) and withdraw NENG instead.  At current
trading price,  1 DOGE you can buy 73926 NENG and withdraw 73925 NENG to your own wallet.

The above residual left over 1 DOGE concept can be applied to other coins too.  Yes, there might be left over coins of BTC or LTC or others,  but you can always trade to DOGE or NENG and withdraw
virtually all the left over values to your own wallet.

In short,  ShorelineCrypto ZERO withdraw fee policy is true zero fee policy that you can obtain easily.
Activity: 1577
Merit: 23
Dev, are you going to revise your roadmap for 2020-2021?
Aside from the statement NENG to the moon?
Maybe we can see the snapshots of what's going to be expected in the next coming months?

Sure, the roadmap will be updated 2020.

The top priority on the NENG dev path is clear,  the decentralization and security.  We want this coin as secure as top tier coin (litecoin, dogecoin, etc).  I will review info coming recently and review the coin source code and work with  Jeronimo99 to set the next path for NENG core upgrade. Stay  tuned.

in a few days I will be ready to join work on github.
Tomorrow I will send you by mail my thoughts on the development of the project infrastructure, technical revision and support services for full integration into the global cryptocurrency community - it's time to go to a new level.


Awesome, I will look forward to it.  I totally agree with you that NewEnglandcoin should and indeed need to go to another new level. Welcome aboard on joining NENG dev team.
Activity: 105
Merit: 0
Dev, are you going to revise your roadmap for 2020-2021?
Aside from the statement NENG to the moon?
Maybe we can see the snapshots of what's going to be expected in the next coming months?

Sure, the roadmap will be updated 2020.

The top priority on the NENG dev path is clear,  the decentralization and security.  We want this coin as secure as top tier coin (litecoin, dogecoin, etc).  I will review info coming recently and review the coin source code and work with  Jeronimo99 to set the next path for NENG core upgrade. Stay  tuned.

in a few days I will be ready to join work on github.
Tomorrow I will send you by mail my thoughts on the development of the project infrastructure, technical revision and support services for full integration into the global cryptocurrency community - it's time to go to a new level.

Activity: 1577
Merit: 23
It looks like base diff has reset to a low level. Boom time for GPU solo miners
Activity: 1577
Merit: 23
ASIC hashrate backed off. It seems now the only miners mining NENG are Cheetah CPU miners. CPU miners are getting close to 100% of NENG blocks
Activity: 1577
Merit: 23
Dev, are you going to revise your roadmap for 2020-2021?
Aside from the statement NENG to the moon?
Maybe we can see the snapshots of what's going to be expected in the next coming months?

Sure, the roadmap will be updated 2020.

The top priority on the NENG dev path is clear,  the decentralization and security.  We want this coin as secure as top tier coin (litecoin, dogecoin, etc).  I will review info coming recently and review the coin source code and work with  Jeronimo99 to set the next path for NENG core upgrade. Stay  tuned.
hero member
Activity: 2744
Merit: 588
Dev, are you going to revise your roadmap for 2020-2021?
Aside from the statement NENG to the moon?
Maybe we can see the snapshots of what's going to be expected in the next coming months?
Activity: 1577
Merit: 23
base difficult has risen.   Now is period of ASIC and CPU Cheetah miners.
Activity: 1577
Merit: 23
base diff has reset to a low level.  GPU solo miners should jump in now.
jr. member
Activity: 100
Merit: 1
Pool for Future-Airdrops already at 9.000.000 NDL
crypto is mafia trump china nazis and the internet in perversion in one whole funny place. lol
Activity: 1577
Merit: 23
I am happy to announce that we have reached agreement with zpool owner Jeronimo99.  I thank Jeronimo99 for identifying the weak issues of NENG blockchain.
Also in the new year,   Jeronimo99 will also help us to upgrade NewEnglandcoin code base to strengthen security and decentralization.

for now,  Cheetah CPU solo mining should be normal now, and should be able to find blocks in average 10% to 30% along with ASIC miners.    GPU solo miners should still dominate when the base diff reset. When base diff is above 1, only ASIC or CPU Cheetah miners can reliably find blocks on NENG.
Activity: 105
Merit: 0
I officially inform that during the negotiations a compromise agreement was reached on the cessation of aggression by the
In the future, the pool undertakes to conduct mining on a common basis, not to use the dominant position aggressively, to provide any assistance in improving the source code and to be a reliable partner.
Thanks to everybody, you're free)
Happy New Year!

Oфициaльнo cooбщaю чтo в xoдe пepeгoвopoв былo дocтигнyт кoмпpoмиcc в coглaшeнии o пpeкpaщeнии aгpeccии co cтopoны .
B дaльнeйшeм пyл oбязyeтcя вecти мaйнинг нa oбщиx ocнoвaнияx, нe иcпoльзoвaть дoминиpyющee  пoлoжeниe aгpeccивнo, oкaзывaть любyю пoмoщь в yлyчшeнии иcxoднoгo кoдa и быть нaдeжным пapтнepoм.
Bceм cпacибo - вce cвoбoдны)
C Hoвым Гoдoм!
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