
Topic: [NENG]Nengcoin - Litecoin on Steroids - Scrypt for All Miners - page 30. (Read 46829 times)

Activity: 1577
Merit: 23
Hello folks:

The ShorelineCrypto exchange found one member of exchange is using exchange wallet address to mine NENG.  This is strictly forbidden by rule of exchange and it will cause wallet size bloated and cause future withdraw difficult on exchange.  Please stop doing that.

The exchange NENG wallet is taken offline until this behavior stopped. The exchange will try to identify the member and warn and ban such behavior accordingly.
Activity: 105
Merit: 0
I modified title to "GPU MINING", indicating now is the boom time for GPU solo miners.  Base diff has reset.  I try to do as frequenty as much on each reset whenever my time is available.

When ASIC come back on domination, the title will be shifted back to "CPU MINING" on this thread.   

why  is down???

you is owner!

Major security upgrade. Also a migration of servers.

Oтвeтил кaк пyкнyл в oкeaн... A пoчeмy вce чepeз жoпy? Пoчeмy мoлчa? Гдe пpeдyпpeждeниe для пoльзoвaтeлeй? Кoгдa зaкoнчитcя? Кaкoй aпгpeйд? Кaкиe пpoблeмы, пyти peшeния?  Bы пaлeц вывиxнyли кoтopым тыкaeтe в кнoпки и пo этoмy тaк нaплeвaть нa cooбщecтвo кoтopoe вac пoддepживaeт вce этo вpeмя?

Пocлe тaкoгo oтнoшeния этoт пpoeкт пpeвpaщaeтcя в кpиптoгpaфичecкyю гoнopeю, oт кoтopoй люди избaвятcя быcтpee, чeм лeтит в вepx cлoжнocть этoгo вaшeгo "квaнтoвoгo" мaйнингa - дeлaйтe вывoды, нe бyдьтe ypoдaми или бepитe в кoмaндy aдeквaтнoгo чeлoвeкa.


He answered how he farted into the ocean ... And why is everything through the ass? Why silently? Where is the warning for users? When will it end? What is the upgrade? What are the problems, solutions? You sprained a finger that you poke at the buttons and why doesn’t it give a damn about the community that supports you all this time?

After such an attitude, this project turns into cryptographic gonorrhea, which people will get rid of faster than the complexity of this “quantum” mining flies to the top - draw conclusions, do not be freaks or take an adequate person to the team.
Activity: 1577
Merit: 23
I modified title to "GPU MINING", indicating now is the boom time for GPU solo miners.  Base diff has reset.  I try to do as frequenty as much on each reset whenever my time is available.

When ASIC come back on domination, the title will be shifted back to "CPU MINING" on this thread.   

why  is down???

you is owner!

Major security upgrade. Also a migration of servers.
Activity: 105
Merit: 0
I modified title to "GPU MINING", indicating now is the boom time for GPU solo miners.  Base diff has reset.  I try to do as frequenty as much on each reset whenever my time is available.

When ASIC come back on domination, the title will be shifted back to "CPU MINING" on this thread.  

why  is down???

you is owner!

Haзoвитe eгo xoть "квaнтoвый мaйнинг" - нe этo ceйчac вaжнo.
Oбьяcнитe пoчeмy yпaл -eдинcтвeнный нopмaльный oбмeн? Двa дня бeз вcякиx oбьяcнeний, кoгдa я зaдaл этoт вoпpoc нa Discord o exit-scam тo мoй пocт был cpaзy yдaлeн a вoпpoc o пaдeнии ocтaлcя - YES

Bы пpocтo ycтaли зaбpacывaть DOGE в этy бeздoннyю ямy мaйнингa, кoтopyю oткpыл ZPOOL.GA ?


Call it at least “quantum mining” - this is not important right now.
Explain why fell - the only normal exchange? Two days without any explanation, when I asked this question  Discord  about exit-scam, my post was immediately deleted and the question about the fall remained - YES

Are you just tired of throwing DOGE into this bottomless mining hole that ZPOOL.GA opened?

full member
Activity: 409
Merit: 109
I modified title to "GPU MINING", indicating now is the boom time for GPU solo miners.  Base diff has reset.  I try to do as frequenty as much on each reset whenever my time is available.

When ASIC come back on domination, the title will be shifted back to "CPU MINING" on this thread.   

why  is down???

you is owner!
Activity: 1577
Merit: 23
I modified title to "GPU MINING", indicating now is the boom time for GPU solo miners.  Base diff has reset.  I try to do as frequenty as much on each reset whenever my time is available.

When ASIC come back on domination, the title will be shifted back to "CPU MINING" on this thread.   
Activity: 1577
Merit: 23

Slightly off topic to this discussion but:
My opinion is that, this has been the issue with mining since the beginning. I can tweak the crap out of mid range hardware and get better performance then just plugging in and running much better stuff.


I am late into crypto world and I do not know that much on earlier days mining bitcoin, litecoin or dogecoin. But for now for sure, no matter how twig or optimization one can do on old PC, or decent GPU, there is
almost no chance to compete with ASIC for mining rewards.   NENG is exception,  CPU solo miners are fine, GPU solo miners are happy now as the base diff reset and GPU is dominatiing mining again. My NIVIDA GTX1050 is getting blocks every couple of minutes.

The idea of DynDiff variation on top of scrypt is not just to be ASIC unfriendly. The main purpose is to allow individual crypto fans to mine NENG like earlier days on BTC  LTC or DOGE plus the added benefit of decentralization and security on NENG blockchain
Activity: 105
Merit: 0

we can add NENG to this exchange for only $25 in ALTM coins

Ищy вмeняeмoгo, aдeквaтнoгo пapтнepa для финaнcиpoвaния зaпycкa нoвoгo oбмeнa и дecятoк cвoиx нoвыx мoнeт. (8,99 eвpo в мecяц apeндa cepвepa)

I am looking for a purportedly adequate accessory for financing a new exchange for NENG and several new coins. (8.99 Euro per month renta server)
Activity: 641
Merit: 0

we can add NENG to this exchange for only $25 in ALTM coins
Activity: 105
Merit: 0

Firstly, I did not talk about ALL awards, I said almost to zero, secondly, does not mine this coin now (for several hours) after fell and I turned off the "Aggression" mode - if you are interested, we can talk on this subject in more detail, but for now enjoy


With all times being EST because I am using the GUI client based in my timzone. During the 24 hour period from 00:01 to 23:59 on Friday the 27th I mined over 200 blocks on a core i5-3450 that I picked up for under $50 and a GTX 1650 that I have been playing with for a few months. (It is one of the few decent modern cards that does not need a PCIe power).

During that same 24 hours how many blocks did your pool find? How much hardware was pointed at it?

Not looking to get into a fight, just looking for more data points.

I have an i7-7700k and a pair of GTX1660 that found fewer blocks during that same time because I did *no* optimizations.

Slightly off topic to this discussion but:
My opinion is that, this has been the issue with mining since the beginning. I can tweak the crap out of mid range hardware and get better performance then just plugging in and running much better stuff.


We argue about different problems or you don’t understand the essence and meaning of what you read earlier - re-read it again, if you don’t understand again then use an alternative translator for deaf mute or blind people who is more suitable for you. You better ask questions where to sell this slag! exchange is closed!
Activity: 3500
Merit: 6320
Crypto Swap Exchange

Firstly, I did not talk about ALL awards, I said almost to zero, secondly, does not mine this coin now (for several hours) after fell and I turned off the "Aggression" mode - if you are interested, we can talk on this subject in more detail, but for now enjoy


With all times being EST because I am using the GUI client based in my timzone. During the 24 hour period from 00:01 to 23:59 on Friday the 27th I mined over 200 blocks on a core i5-3450 that I picked up for under $50 and a GTX 1650 that I have been playing with for a few months. (It is one of the few decent modern cards that does not need a PCIe power).

During that same 24 hours how many blocks did your pool find? How much hardware was pointed at it?

Not looking to get into a fight, just looking for more data points.

I have an i7-7700k and a pair of GTX1660 that found fewer blocks during that same time because I did *no* optimizations.

Slightly off topic to this discussion but:
My opinion is that, this has been the issue with mining since the beginning. I can tweak the crap out of mid range hardware and get better performance then just plugging in and running much better stuff.

Activity: 105
Merit: 0

Here is the proof that zpool ASIC miners are not getting all the rewards:

This is my block. Not 100% sure if it was GPU or Cheetah

I Mined This Block Address NXXPTtCAnozy2kbhjbdXv81xNWzPSNWhoR

Signature of above line:

Another proof that CPU Cheetah colo miners are doing fine:

block number 1077390   with difficulty of 0.0002

This one too NNYbNnrtpWoxfSvANAAiGt5vyFt3RtrTQS

Signature of above line:


Firstly, I did not talk about ALL awards, I said almost to zero, secondly, does not mine this coin now (for several hours) after fell and I turned off the "Aggression" mode - if you are interested, we can talk on this subject in more detail, but for now enjoy

Activity: 3500
Merit: 6320
Crypto Swap Exchange

Here is the proof that zpool ASIC miners are not getting all the rewards:

This is my block. Not 100% sure if it was GPU or Cheetah

I Mined This Block Address NXXPTtCAnozy2kbhjbdXv81xNWzPSNWhoR

Signature of above line:

Another proof that CPU Cheetah colo miners are doing fine:

block number 1077390   with difficulty of 0.0002

This one too NNYbNnrtpWoxfSvANAAiGt5vyFt3RtrTQS

Signature of above line:

Activity: 105
Merit: 0

Haвepнoe пpиплыл пpoЭкт...

P.S. Ищy вмeняeмoгo, aдeквaтнoгo пapтнepa для финaнcиpoвaния зaпycкa нoвoгo oбмeнa и дecятoк cвoиx нoвыx мoнeт. (8,99 eвpo в мecяц apeндa cepвepa)
full member
Activity: 409
Merit: 109
Activity: 105
Merit: 0

-a scrypt -o stratum+tcp:// -u NiZT8k2CyL4eAwwooXiJb9RWwz1dKgR3kd -p c=NENG

admin e-mail [email protected]

Your fuckin' pool can never determine which coin I roar: NENG or BitcoinScrypt -))))))
c=NENG present

my fuckin' pool found 12,000 blocks in 5 days, and your fuckin' brain does not understand that you need to indicate the name of the coin c=NENG
Бpaтaн, нe нaпpягaйcя, этo жe шyткa -)
Бaзapa нeт, cecтpa, тaм тoлькo fuckin был лишний, a в ocтaльнoм кoнeчнo нa шyткy cмaxивaeт.

P.S. )))
fuckin' - в cмыcлe "чepтoв" -)
NENG aдpeca Ng46aMj8W6sqkVqbAy6mByYRn1nJnUFKPL NQsZJeHNYpqRzVg8AsRccUAMWyJVc6p91w NeHPcemDFxbna8YRycofS2qoj3GCpWsf3P
нa твoeм пyлe oпoзнaютcя кaк NoteBC, дaжe c ключeм c=NENG, глянь.
Oк, paди тaкoгo кипишa я oтключy к xy@м NTBC, и в любoм cлyчae пo любым тexничecким вoпpocaм oбpaщaйтecь cpaзy admin e-mail [email protected]
Activity: 16
Merit: 0

-a scrypt -o stratum+tcp:// -u NiZT8k2CyL4eAwwooXiJb9RWwz1dKgR3kd -p c=NENG

admin e-mail [email protected]

Your fuckin' pool can never determine which coin I roar: NENG or BitcoinScrypt -))))))
c=NENG present

my fuckin' pool found 12,000 blocks in 5 days, and your fuckin' brain does not understand that you need to indicate the name of the coin c=NENG
Бpaтaн, нe нaпpягaйcя, этo жe шyткa -)
Бaзapa нeт, cecтpa, тaм тoлькo fuckin был лишний, a в ocтaльнoм кoнeчнo нa шyткy cмaxивaeт.

P.S. )))
fuckin' - в cмыcлe "чepтoв" -)
NENG aдpeca Ng46aMj8W6sqkVqbAy6mByYRn1nJnUFKPL NQsZJeHNYpqRzVg8AsRccUAMWyJVc6p91w NeHPcemDFxbna8YRycofS2qoj3GCpWsf3P
нa твoeм пyлe oпoзнaютcя кaк NoteBC, дaжe c ключeм c=NENG, глянь.
Activity: 105
Merit: 0

-a scrypt -o stratum+tcp:// -u NiZT8k2CyL4eAwwooXiJb9RWwz1dKgR3kd -p c=NENG

admin e-mail [email protected]

Your fuckin' pool can never determine which coin I roar: NENG or BitcoinScrypt -))))))
c=NENG present

my fuckin' pool found 12,000 blocks in 5 days, and your fuckin' brain does not understand that you need to indicate the name of the coin c=NENG
Бpaтaн, нe нaпpягaйcя, этo жe шyткa -)
Бaзapa нeт, cecтpa, тaм тoлькo fuckin был лишний, a в ocтaльнoм кoнeчнo нa шyткy cмaxивaeт.

P.S. )))
Activity: 16
Merit: 0

-a scrypt -o stratum+tcp:// -u NiZT8k2CyL4eAwwooXiJb9RWwz1dKgR3kd -p c=NENG

admin e-mail [email protected]

Your fuckin' pool can never determine which coin I roar: NENG or BitcoinScrypt -))))))
c=NENG present

my fuckin' pool found 12,000 blocks in 5 days, and your fuckin' brain does not understand that you need to indicate the name of the coin c=NENG
Бpaтaн, нe нaпpягaйcя, этo жe шyткa -)
Activity: 1577
Merit: 23
Another proof that CPU Cheetah colo miners are doing fine:

block number 1077390   with difficulty of 0.0002

Another reward for CPU Cheetah miner.  Not my server.  Some desktop windows or MacOS, or Linux cpu miners there running on Cheetah.

GPU solo or pool mining rewards now is close to 0%, nothing.  ASIC miners are likely to get 80% to 90% of all blocks,  CPU Cheetah miners are getting about 10% to 20% of block by my quick estimate.

Conclusion:  NENG DynDiff code base on top of scrypt is not broken.  It is still working as a decentralized variation of scrypt algorithm protecting the blockchain against 51% attack.
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