
Topic: [NENG]Nengcoin - Litecoin on Steroids - Scrypt for All Miners - page 29. (Read 46155 times)

Activity: 105
Merit: 0
base difficult rose above 1,  GPU time is over.  Now is mainly ASIC and CPU mining time.

Difficulty 6.23549001 - Should I continue to raise difficulty? Or do you apologize for the "specialist"

I have to admit your claim of modifying the mining software for your ASIC pool is working well.  My eyeball checked 50 blocks, all were mined by ASIC,  none by CPU cheetah miners, none mostly by GPU miners.

Most likely your software modified the mining timestamp with fake times, which is allowed by miner to stamp whatever time you want on bitcoin protocol within 2 hour window.  This miner timestamp  manipulation, yes, can dominate against CPU cheetah miners.  

I am taking down the word "anti-51% attack" on title.  This coin is subject to ASIC 51% attack as shown by zpool result, with modified mining software on timestamp.

I declare to you with full responsibility and give my word of honor that this is exactly what I did not do. I did not change the timestamp. If we come to a mutual understanding and agreement, I will show you everything that I did for ASIC mining on my pool

Having studied this maneuver, you will be able to make the necessary changes to the source code, and I will give the floor and stop aggression (as I call it, it is aggression and not attack) - I am waiting for your suggestions

Activity: 1554
Merit: 23
base difficult rose above 1,  GPU time is over.  Now is mainly ASIC and CPU mining time.

Difficulty 6.23549001 - Should I continue to raise difficulty? Or do you apologize for the "specialist"

I have to admit your claim of modifying the mining software for your ASIC pool is working well.  My eyeball checked 50 blocks, all were mined by ASIC,  none by CPU cheetah miners, none mostly by GPU miners.

Most likely your software modified the mining timestamp with fake times, which is allowed by miner to stamp whatever time you want on bitcoin protocol within 2 hour window.  This miner timestamp  manipulation, yes, can dominate against CPU cheetah miners.  

I am taking down the word "anti-51% attack" on title.  This coin is subject to ASIC 51% attack as shown by zpool result, with modified mining software on timestamp.
Activity: 105
Merit: 0
base difficult rose above 1,  GPU time is over.  Now is mainly ASIC and CPU mining time.

Difficulty 6.23549001 - Should I continue to raise difficulty? Or do you apologize for the "specialist"
Activity: 1554
Merit: 23
base difficult rose above 1,  GPU time is over.  Now is mainly ASIC and CPU mining time.
Activity: 105
Merit: 0
base diff has reset, GPU solo mining domination now

)))))))))))))))))))   maybe.....


I will show you the moon and stars and the sky in diamonds ...
Activity: 1554
Merit: 23
base diff has reset, GPU solo mining domination now
Activity: 105
Merit: 0

If you encounter such a problem. The creator of Opentrade is to blame, who, due to a lack of experience or a common understanding of the meaning of this work, has implemented a SQL database that is suitable for training and is not a real job. A year ago, on a thematic forum, solutions were proposed through MongoDB. You don't need shit.

This is nonsense tech talk.  Lots of people pretend to be tech expert, they are not.   MongoDB is not suitable for an exchange database engine like ShorelineCrypto/OpenTrade.

OpenTrade that ShorelineCrypto uses is great opensource project from Marycoin eco-system. It has flaws and kzv has maintained well. I also contributed testing and debugging through recent security major upgrade recently at shorelinecrypto.    So far OpenTrade has done well over 1 year and half serving well for NewEnglandcoin communities.  

Still again,  exchange such as shorelinecrypto is separate from a coin like NewEnglandcoin.  With the new opensource tradingbot provided by shoreline,  NENG traders can trade automatically through bot like a tech pro easily,

I now see that this conversation does not make sense at all, you are the same "specialist" as the creator of opentrade - a complete all-consuming bottom. I sincerely wish you good luck and great creative success.

Activity: 1554
Merit: 23

If you encounter such a problem. The creator of Opentrade is to blame, who, due to a lack of experience or a common understanding of the meaning of this work, has implemented a SQL database that is suitable for training and is not a real job. A year ago, on a thematic forum, solutions were proposed through MongoDB. You don't need shit.

This is nonsense tech talk.  Lots of people pretend to be tech expert, they are not.   MongoDB is not suitable for an exchange database engine like ShorelineCrypto/OpenTrade.

OpenTrade that ShorelineCrypto uses is great opensource project from Marycoin eco-system. It has flaws and kzv has maintained well. I also contributed testing and debugging through recent security major upgrade recently at shorelinecrypto.    So far OpenTrade has done well over 1 year and half serving well for NewEnglandcoin communities.  

Still again,  exchange such as shorelinecrypto is separate from a coin like NewEnglandcoin.  With the new opensource tradingbot provided by shoreline,  NENG traders can trade automatically through bot like a tech pro easily,

Activity: 105
Merit: 0
Hello folks:

The ShorelineCrypto exchange found one member of exchange is using exchange wallet address to mine NENG.  This is strictly forbidden by rule of exchange and it will cause wallet size bloated and cause future withdraw difficult on exchange.  Please stop doing that.

The exchange NENG wallet is taken offline until this behavior stopped. The exchange will try to identify the member and warn and ban such behavior accordingly.

Show the wallet address and please inform when the exchange resumes work.
Please note that events of this kind, such as shutdowns, require prior notification here or by e-mail of registered users.

I also want to note that you DO NOT have a user agreement that regulated such restrictions.
The mining on exchange wallet cause major disruption and damage to exchange services. 

The restriction was announced in DISCORD pinned message and in exchange chat box. 

Due to the nature of anonymous sign up of the shoreline exchange, I hesitate to chase down the miners.   For this time, I hope the miner get the message and withdraw NENG to its own wallet and move on.

Ecли вы впepвыe cтoлкнyлиcь c тaкoй пpoблeмoй я вaм oбьяcню пpичинy. Bo вceм винoвaт coздaтeль Opentrade кoтopый из-зa oтcyтcтвия oпытa или oбщeгo пoнимaния cмыcлa этoй paбoты peaлизoвaл бaзy дaнныx нa SQL , кoтopaя гoдитcя для тpeнepoвoк a нe peaльнoй paбoты. Я oпиcывaл эти гpaбли гoд нaзaд нa тeмaтичecкoм фopyмe и пpeдлoжил пyти peшeния чepeз MongoDB. TEcли вы и дaлee xoтитe paзвивaтьcя ищитe нopмaльный coфт a нe этo дepьмo.


If you encounter such a problem. The creator of Opentrade is to blame, who, due to a lack of experience or a common understanding of the meaning of this work, has implemented a SQL database that is suitable for training and is not a real job. A year ago, on a thematic forum, solutions were proposed through MongoDB. You don't need shit.
Activity: 1554
Merit: 23
Just let you guys aware, ShorelineCrypto exchange added LTC/DOGE pair. Essentially Doge can be converted to LTC and withdraw LTC.
Activity: 1554
Merit: 23
NewEnglandcoin exchange wallet is stable enough that we now restored the NENG trading at shorelinecrypto exchange.  Normal on trading/withdraw/deposit.

Also exchange wallet is not meant for wallet service.  Withdraw extra coins to own wallet is recommended.  Policy of no mining on exchange wallet address is imposed at Shorelinecrypto Exchange.  
Activity: 1554
Merit: 23
Hello folks:

The ShorelineCrypto exchange found one member of exchange is using exchange wallet address to mine NENG.  This is strictly forbidden by rule of exchange and it will cause wallet size bloated and cause future withdraw difficult on exchange.  Please stop doing that.

The exchange NENG wallet is taken offline until this behavior stopped. The exchange will try to identify the member and warn and ban such behavior accordingly.

Show the wallet address and please inform when the exchange resumes work.
Please note that events of this kind, such as shutdowns, require prior notification here or by e-mail of registered users.

I also want to note that you DO NOT have a user agreement that regulated such restrictions.
The mining on exchange wallet cause major disruption and damage to exchange services. 

The restriction was announced in DISCORD pinned message and in exchange chat box. 

Due to the nature of anonymous sign up of the shoreline exchange, I hesitate to chase down the miners.   For this time, I hope the miner get the message and withdraw NENG to its own wallet and move on.

Activity: 1554
Merit: 23
ShorelineCrypto Exchange notice:

major security upgrade and migration has completed. All coins except NENG are normal

NENG trading is disabled due to miner attack on wallet, and currently still ongoing. Withdraw is allowed now. Please do not deposit into NENG exchange wallet.  

We will have another assessment on NENG exchange wallet health and decide tomorrow on when and how NENG trading can be back to normal.

When withdraw NENG from exchange,  try 50 million one at a time.  There is blockchain maximum limit that prevent withdrawal from exchange by more than 50 millions.  Wait the next 50 million until the prior one succeeded.
There is no limit on how many times you can withdraw from exchange.
Activity: 105
Merit: 0
Hello folks:

The ShorelineCrypto exchange found one member of exchange is using exchange wallet address to mine NENG.  This is strictly forbidden by rule of exchange and it will cause wallet size bloated and cause future withdraw difficult on exchange.  Please stop doing that.

The exchange NENG wallet is taken offline until this behavior stopped. The exchange will try to identify the member and warn and ban such behavior accordingly.

Show the wallet address and please inform when the exchange resumes work.
Please note that events of this kind, such as shutdowns, require prior notification here or by e-mail of registered users.

I also want to note that you DO NOT have a user agreement that regulated such restrictions.
Activity: 1554
Merit: 23
Hello folks:

The ShorelineCrypto exchange found one member of exchange is using exchange wallet address to mine NENG.  This is strictly forbidden by rule of exchange and it will cause wallet size bloated and cause future withdraw difficult on exchange.  Please stop doing that.

The exchange NENG wallet is taken offline until this behavior stopped. The exchange will try to identify the member and warn and ban such behavior accordingly.
Activity: 105
Merit: 0
I modified title to "GPU MINING", indicating now is the boom time for GPU solo miners.  Base diff has reset.  I try to do as frequenty as much on each reset whenever my time is available.

When ASIC come back on domination, the title will be shifted back to "CPU MINING" on this thread.   

why  is down???

you is owner!

Major security upgrade. Also a migration of servers.

Oтвeтил кaк пyкнyл в oкeaн... A пoчeмy вce чepeз жoпy? Пoчeмy мoлчa? Гдe пpeдyпpeждeниe для пoльзoвaтeлeй? Кoгдa зaкoнчитcя? Кaкoй aпгpeйд? Кaкиe пpoблeмы, пyти peшeния?  Bы пaлeц вывиxнyли кoтopым тыкaeтe в кнoпки и пo этoмy тaк нaплeвaть нa cooбщecтвo кoтopoe вac пoддepживaeт вce этo вpeмя?

Пocлe тaкoгo oтнoшeния этoт пpoeкт пpeвpaщaeтcя в кpиптoгpaфичecкyю гoнopeю, oт кoтopoй люди избaвятcя быcтpee, чeм лeтит в вepx cлoжнocть этoгo вaшeгo "квaнтoвoгo" мaйнингa - дeлaйтe вывoды, нe бyдьтe ypoдaми или бepитe в кoмaндy aдeквaтнoгo чeлoвeкa.


He answered how he farted into the ocean ... And why is everything through the ass? Why silently? Where is the warning for users? When will it end? What is the upgrade? What are the problems, solutions? You sprained a finger that you poke at the buttons and why doesn’t it give a damn about the community that supports you all this time?

After such an attitude, this project turns into cryptographic gonorrhea, which people will get rid of faster than the complexity of this “quantum” mining flies to the top - draw conclusions, do not be freaks or take an adequate person to the team.
Activity: 1554
Merit: 23
I modified title to "GPU MINING", indicating now is the boom time for GPU solo miners.  Base diff has reset.  I try to do as frequenty as much on each reset whenever my time is available.

When ASIC come back on domination, the title will be shifted back to "CPU MINING" on this thread.   

why  is down???

you is owner!

Major security upgrade. Also a migration of servers.
Activity: 105
Merit: 0
I modified title to "GPU MINING", indicating now is the boom time for GPU solo miners.  Base diff has reset.  I try to do as frequenty as much on each reset whenever my time is available.

When ASIC come back on domination, the title will be shifted back to "CPU MINING" on this thread.  

why  is down???

you is owner!

Haзoвитe eгo xoть "квaнтoвый мaйнинг" - нe этo ceйчac вaжнo.
Oбьяcнитe пoчeмy yпaл -eдинcтвeнный нopмaльный oбмeн? Двa дня бeз вcякиx oбьяcнeний, кoгдa я зaдaл этoт вoпpoc нa Discord o exit-scam тo мoй пocт был cpaзy yдaлeн a вoпpoc o пaдeнии ocтaлcя - YES

Bы пpocтo ycтaли зaбpacывaть DOGE в этy бeздoннyю ямy мaйнингa, кoтopyю oткpыл ZPOOL.GA ?


Call it at least “quantum mining” - this is not important right now.
Explain why fell - the only normal exchange? Two days without any explanation, when I asked this question  Discord  about exit-scam, my post was immediately deleted and the question about the fall remained - YES

Are you just tired of throwing DOGE into this bottomless mining hole that ZPOOL.GA opened?

full member
Activity: 407
Merit: 101
I modified title to "GPU MINING", indicating now is the boom time for GPU solo miners.  Base diff has reset.  I try to do as frequenty as much on each reset whenever my time is available.

When ASIC come back on domination, the title will be shifted back to "CPU MINING" on this thread.   

why  is down???

you is owner!
Activity: 1554
Merit: 23
I modified title to "GPU MINING", indicating now is the boom time for GPU solo miners.  Base diff has reset.  I try to do as frequenty as much on each reset whenever my time is available.

When ASIC come back on domination, the title will be shifted back to "CPU MINING" on this thread.   
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