It states that you have 0.53336436 Unclaimed GAS. Seems working as intended. There is a basic information thread in the NEO Reddit about how to claim GAS and other basic questions that might be useful to read through.
NEO is an international platform with Chinese developers. NEO doesn't need to China's name to be successful. NEO is more powerful and useful than ethereum. for e.g NEO is decentralized but Ethereum isn't and dozens more...
No, but the Chinese developers need to get paid and if they can't then work on the project stops.
As I pointed out more than a week ago, the biggest risk to NEO is being delisted in China.
They also raised money back in 2014 using clearly ICO for Antshare. I don't know how they will not have any impact of People's bank of China. I am also double minded now and have sold out large portion of my NEO tokens already. I have kept some portion in case things looks good and can be fixed somehow to not regret later. I have secured my investment to be honest.
The most immediate threat to NEO and other ICO tokens is delisting from Chinese exchanges, if this happens then it will significantly reduce the trade volume.
Now 3 Chinese exchanges have halted NEO trading so there is a very real chance that they all might delist NEO because it is an ICO token.
This is on top of the news reports that ALL exchanges in China may also shut down.
If the developers cannot access their funds then it will make it
much much harder for them to push the project forward. suspect it will be a long time before NEO is able to get back on track and the token is likely to slowly bleed out until that happens because a huge amount of people bought this token expecting it to be big in China.
The bans may only be "temporary" but we really don't know how long "temporary" actually is. It could be a few months or it could be a few years.
Such is the nature of speculative investments.
Oh, look, now we have Alphi spreading FUD as he wants to buy cheap NEO.
It is quite obvious you did not read anything about what the Chinese authorities actually stated about seeking to introduce regulations or listened to any of Boxmining's interviews which are actually being quoted all over the world at this point or actually observed what NEO accomplished that all others could not. I'll post more information when I have bought even more NEO. The difference is that I am at least transparent without attempting to rob others. It is cheap enough as it is and yes, perhaps it will drop a little bit more as this situation in China gets sorted out with temporary trading halts, but the thing will get sorted out. China will introduce its own blockchain currency and NEO does not pretend to be currency and therefore does not compete with China itself unlike so many others.
Great time to buy NEO then, I just stocked up on quite a few more.
It may be going through a bad time at the moment due to all the uncertanty about what China will do, but I'm in it for the long term and stocking up and holding whilst the price is low.
The Chinese can't permanently 'ban' ICO's, delist coins and, effectively. shutdown exchanges it would harm there economy (it may be a relatively small part of there economy but a growing and profitable one).
It's just a knee-jerk reaction to the sudden rise in ICO's and popularity of altcoins that has frightened the Chinese gorenment and it will eventually blow over and return to may be a while but, like I said, I'm in it for the long term - let the day traders fight it out amongst themselves.
Anyway there's always Russia..