Das die Situation rund um lokalen die Merit-Quellen hier zuletzt ja häufiger diskutiert wurde, dürfte für den ein oder anderen hier möglicherweise auch die Merit/Post-Ratio bzw. der Anteil der mit merits versehenen Beiträge interessant sein. Beides war im Mai sowohl im Vergleich zum Jahresmittel als auch im Vergleich zu anderen lokalen Boards deutlich überdurchschnittlich, auch wenn das nach dem merit-airdrop durchaus zu erwarten war. Für mich stützen die Daten aber dennoch eher die These, dass es bei uns eher an meritablen Beiträgen mangelt denn an sMerits, zumindest aber sind wir a.h.S. dann doch weit von einer "sMerit-Unterversorgung" entfernt. So wie ich das beobachten konnte wurde auch bei der ein oder anderen aktiven Quelle das Budget erhöht.
The merit per post average for all local boards during May was 0.69, which is significantly higher than the previous month’s average of 0.48. Considering the decrease in the number of posts and the substantial increase in merit shared, it’s no surprise that the ratio looks much better for May than it did in April.
Regarding the boards with the highest ratios, the Romanian board is at the top, which is not surprising, but their extremely high ratio is somewhat unexpected. Then again, this can happen with less active local boards, as all it takes is a couple of quality posts with a lot of merit to boost the ratio. Conversely, the Pilipinas board once again has an extremely low ratio, comparable to some of the least quality parts of the forum and I doubt that it accurately reflects the quality of that board.
Percentage of merited posts across local boards during May 2024
An average percentage of merited posts across 18 boards is 23.55% which is the (expected) increase compared with April (18.84). During April Romanian board was sticking out with a very high 60% of merited posts and during May they even managed to beat that, going up to the extremely high 75%. Once again, this kind of percentage is possible only at less active boards and Romanian with only 40 posts during last month qualify as one.
Regarding the bottom, who else could it be there other than Pilipinas with less than 4% of merited posts, but Indian and Turkish are not too far behind either.