I have tried it on both the S9i and S9j and have zero issues so far. they are hashing same as before - I do not have a way to measure power consumption though other than waiting for the months bill to see if it drops.
I just tried this new Antminer-S9i-xilinx-201811271554-autofreq-user-Update2UBI-NF.tar.gz on a S9i 14 and a S9i 13.5. Very bad results for both of them - it certainly reduced the power considerably on both of them and as a result also hugely reduced the hash rate from 14 to 9.5 and 13.5 to 7.5. Plus because of the low chain voltage it was clocking up lots of HW errors. So I obviously flashed them both back to the 201811071119 FW.
The only difference in the firmware that I can see is that it introduces a new chain backup voltage of 8.00v for all boards that (at least on the 2 miners I tested) is overriding the voltages stored on each boards PIC controller e.g. the PICs have 8.9v, 8.9v & 8.7v on one of my S9i 13.5s - hence the significantly lower power, rubbish hash-rate and increased HW errors. e.g. the only frequency my S9i 14.0 could manage to get up to was 493 instead of it's normal 650. Even worse because it was clocking errors and didn't seem stable at 8v, the real RT hash-rate was a lot less than the ideal (which is based on the freq) e.g. on a S9i 13.5, RT = 7500, Ideal = 9500 - RT was around 13650 before this FW - so it's only hashing at 55% of it's normal rate.
I'm not sure why Bitmain released a second asicboost FW for the S9i's or what the difference is between the two versions - nothing on Twitter etc - anyone seen a Bitmain explanation anywhere? The description next to the firmware has changed from
"1. Reduce power consumption."
"1. Add support for low power mode, reduce power consumption".
I think a few of us of assumed that the LPM option didn't do anything on the initial asciboost FWs. Maybe Bitmain have enabled it now. Maybe unticking LPM on the General Settings screen will stop it selecting the very low (and unstable) backup voltage - it's late here - so I'll try one tomorrow. Stryfe - you said yours are hashing normally - did you have LPM ticked?
If this is meant to be a more efficient Low Power Mode, it's not working for me as the % drop in hashrate is more then the drop in power so it's less efficient, more unstable and I'd need to install more miners to get my total hash-rate back to where it was before.
I didn't unplug any miners to check the precise power drop, but the PDU amps dropped by around 1.5a (350w) - which won't be precise because there are other miners on that PDU.
such as? LPM is as simple as that, LPM only - if you want to adjust freq and such, that still has to be done the same way as it was done before and is also dependent upon which firmware you install prior to the LPM update.
You can't adjust the frequencies on the S9i/j's with Bitmain firmware - there are no fixed freq FWs listed for these miners. There are other ways of doing it with 3rd party firmware. Also there is no dependency on the prior firmware as you mention with this LPM update.
The S9i and S9j asicboost FWs are complete replacement firmware's - so they will just totally overwrite the previous firmware. If you look at the various FW sizes for the S9 and S9i/j it is obvious. My posts earlier in this thread explaining about applying the LPM FW on top of a fixed FW only applied to the S9 - which only had a small "patch" LPM FW upgrade which was applied "on top". It doesn't work that way for the S9i/j - unless someone wants to risk trying the S9 firmware's on the S9i/j's.
Almost certainly (99.9%) you an on a slightly older version of Antminer-S9-all-201711171757-autofreq-user-Update2UBI-NF.tar.gz.
This is the autotune / autofreq FW. You don't have to load any other firmware first unless you want to try over-clocking your miner - so just go ahead and apply the S9 LPM firmware i.e. Antminer-S9-LPM-20181102.tar.gz, although it would be better to get your miner up-to-date first by flashing it with Antminer-S9-all-201711171757-autofreq-user-Update2UBI-NF.tar.gz if you want to stay on autotune before applying the LPM update.
If you want to be absolutely sure what FW you are you can post your full kernel log and I'll be able to confirm 100%.