

Activity: 1111
Merit: 1000
crypto-enthusiast since 2012
thank you @borzalom and @CCRevolution
Activity: 106
Merit: 11
Current Rich List, down to 300,000 XBY.

As you can see, we have many wallets prepared at the 1 million mark and also the 500k mark for set up into STaTiC.

Of course, the 1 million wallets will need to be divided now that we are doing the STaTiC nodes with 500.000 XBY.

BGVUg2AzNEd3T28zQBNG2v8hzqbC3bDoDf 300000000  < C-CEX wallet...
BGWSFa1nwFjzMYNh7kt3428Po55qHmM6gy 33994800
B8d4XcddNs2a1DcrbFiLeo5e3RxQ4KcEsK 20080639
B5hkGc6sgjHkyenztNPqinzZaiebzpoRZi 18000000
BEuzMV5YFaTHm76foDqJ1NzPpXQ3ZjibiJ 16337501
B7CTxHra2o1y4iWgwGJAABmKCMyJ7PDSb8 16279175
BSNjhfPgCU4EvU29EjYGUTDEmhT3a3n7dm 11199900
BSdmA2uyGhNi4W3LNLccjka3kDngdE4BKB 11102000
BHSqSSN5fwQNxVqV5mePVyqzemjrtgpcCV 11002400
B6QmEE3mMdh6p8q1zfQ3g9ezYwupr6aBSo 10900000
BC21aaiYu7KsEzirBEkFH6ZExKLfwuqke2 10900000
B7rAoZLbumjkZH61UntLM8mEkLQXaFnaE2 10315559
BLVL8D4qgCG7gjfXuf6At2qbnBdd7Uiegv 10094800
BFaeyHdRpFXzriyJJHdrn7hG62pmXZ73YC 10004800
BDqZVbjZxxKbjiNY6NoHwTdza3e3mGaPo1 9254282
BMncPy6hv8xA2LPz9yc4Y3ppThrh7sdH8a 7738218
B6iqhwoEeh4jYxR6NmnacDy2R4PEqTsN7L 7504625
BBJxssLZn5yMd16jG1YJgUNbaynnE5Tp9j 7354881
BTizqReG3kVC22YnYovhfs6B25v4hJaxMa 5001000
BLrfXyFiFF3yVUgpszoK6Uh7zwbbxZ1FNp 4569654
BMRsyZxi7GUmu7xhiDuJv5SyqsvoeubH45 4504376
BFiYmiCZg1MY5RVBSBBFKd5xohRw8Z936C 4261360
BMW2JoiAiZMG4i6ASGTPqmv8pD3bBz6qzw 3519512
BQLPq7pbtgTXrfLeuudeCM4PKbXMh1bTPL 3099800
BFPwwMG2cMQvvKBLCXigpQsj7fkGFHLbeS 3000240
BR4ZJajEaNQezZyZ66PKRcyhdsQ4NyGkXj 2957860
BGfVueoCGimz4xAWXNVQ9f5L1tqY5c356w 2815142
BAijPVxV17TFVi2MvNqYHAEkReUsCgQJwV 2501517
B9rwsKdt4DywKMfQW8zZGZhN9kUU8d3rWh 2302362
BN25UACBwQW4ujX8UKqyMjEcMmkCe9XJFi 2016913
BB1uDKeAT64uHbSYaZKmSL33oNZ48niAJv 2001000
B6cNKwU2fcH72hfshpXuYaWbFianFbKtuQ 1910450
BKr3jpWPduMC9CY27mHfGCofKxQkr5srrm 1900508
BBNDV5K5KK5S2tHyucj7Y66nKWKxjFxrzP 1630073
BJq2y5JsgJRTvPH2qrhFAYPrgGuMz3NmB4 1438302
BFnijn8Kh6RFn7WqmV6ovCSmHpugqag4E3 1436540
BHA7Qf1NeLfLXd5Mh94rWzx36FaAjUuKyd 1399775
BHCeyXjEV8vzkzMziugt4xDiYkF3son3xt 1394556
BRGnJQZv9gxMuNdnaz3ueiHNGJK4o4ZDjZ 1383140
BDaa1fw4X2fbP27ir5E8s3rckYZ1QXpw78 1361181
BAPkZRumT6XiHTSneZEYCMCLHA2Q9qzzyY 1350629
B7RaBLry3X5149CiSpUm7LzoDiL2gfGv6F 1309425
BJ6RHgwzQYYrpX2f1P2ZGTAeYRXUH8CozU 1247400
BN47ba1t7QaefcokrWnv4odjReTPs3XRDw 1224843
BAar4Uoy3jQVmSxHjQ5uCnGgjc8pa8bZsr 1200320
BMBLPa3Q3YHYUsGkXbm5E7UB68nx2REW4B 1139348
BRwUVpxA8Wmv2thjcLyNBRfTuBGs8DAozg 1099900
BTfQUQUYpUGLVT46hEBrkbjyw8LfKKnLKa 1060408
BDdhJsa4DVcWyLjEf7rAEogPTpmSwMmJva 1011444
BPKfjxdF4v4td2jNmWF7SgXBDyi2HEtDit 1011000
BMYFcPYWMd6JdMTpVCgJgAXjEwTanGk8bG 1001000
B9gpwadmpFiak5YWAFQERLHhGq4Ckc2i2t 1000795
BAEtFPdcaS6gS7bE8YG7FPutadmG9h1Nvi 1000101
BRGK5EAX1rFtkhq62wFRg6e1Yg2qu3zRmV 1000101
BQxUnCgHJyDUvPP8NadPuFH4oevzGEMGBi 1000101
BHv1b4Bdiw9vCKwJ52k4DPX3SF5zNsbKeQ 1000101
B552iqQC3WwZueuB4VBwdrk8MJ3Vxxy5GP 1000101
BSA74DGeETjWhB2dqihGVapV92w2p5Y8bX 1000101
BALH14xW6MrcYZxTkraYqmSrRFr6iR7uZw 1000101
B4fxekX727bbsqtNYALPxNZJN4uBpfPNPi 1000101
BFee5KVtpF3CFNUJVfhBcGGrdh7wz2v9se 1000101
BKcooZzaD8eqUGgTcUAnXJtudUE6Fstwsb 1000101
B5FuAnWm9Xbyes9Gn5tJCFjeMhLAXsw8DS 1000101
B6zmTcrUyEA8RkpsD3LU9ZtEGPGCo9VfEy 1000100
BCnCggSpnPgpy1nKWuw1M8KYmM5r7gRrqb 1000000
B6kduLcZaNrA6X2KTTqkkB1cBWZMBvQ2cC 1000000
BT11jpG8Xpy97q3cpqpAAq9awBXs8u1YLQ 1000000
BMtscYQi3AKFYu7vGbz2NmoUNyGFyNk3r7 1000000
BM2tgYXgKar66AaVEEmeAfW82YnvMt95Mg 1000000
BGJtY8vmU9J7gsRyrGa7wHQmo6WU7k17Yc 1000000
BBfn13ki7tNUhvDNNV3hRU7EeB3zB4rQSK 1000000
BGxHEiQCgu2bdHrosmnF6Qr42HY8a3H4Gd 1000000
BGe44fL2tuSbudhSudjgs8PV4x9HaaZHPK 1000000
BPYfEHphwBKtyejoEQeQS6ogajG3FHk7c3 1000000
B4z9S6hLDbrvYCSArKxerMhm4S8drvevzs 1000000
B7beCkwRRC5X2wSJeEx62fRB1bn5WqveSu 999701
BCp1g8D3mJ7S29UZqn7hPfXpqQu3iiXMSg 975092
BTPCwUVG1qxxMFSrDf3PzNWEgmRkW2dncW 975092
BGUQ2ietToseQnAKgdWhYZPnpCbDfye8ra 890226
BGSeswczKXHTrX28nrCVEGtt4iin1vUZcb 885150
BThhVQyNBBM5BNkLUZEo5AfgrJM3EM5cEp 884433
B7B2iF3NLYaV2A7G2cwa7bi1UB63TdvKaS 834939
BBWbtSy5tfCAj42TPN9rXiQyuBaVszC1jK 742854
B6m4VS4rSCJCsSTqH5Tv7d4zBqN1JFmtpi 739501
BS4vjcLR4m15LVEPvUE4UZJdRjuMpEZzT4 700000
BPD7b6t4DmLgbxVLaQ7tFpSWjdD1p4fj4Y 697400
B94pFh7WBVZnj1ifiVUEthJF17HBX8Y6ZS 599900
BM1K3RHCYc85cuc5KXwUjpaVBtFUnAERhY 599800
BNCrBKyFKMwEqeYrW3hmUb6DHU3jE9Kfxb 522141
BSNPREeTcPUHZ8rB1prUhFNJ46oDz5r57n 507693
BTAaQfmH8saJYbuRCsAcA9WsSCdMUpc9mf 500100
B8o9ftGGH6FF2wovfoSiuMASukjsgY6NRR 500100
B6WcpqQcV3ZyknNWGzQFG8ZoKKrLW8h8J1 500100
BELNJgfktpFB4XtnKao3pw2qUESMPGHymD 500100
B5NuFQ6QFTnKE7UZtZRKj1VAyM6vzGeb3i 500100
BRj4kwzExoXjemrSos2CUi2kFaDhj3tSEG 500100
BL8zhgFDQA6KdXbDJRgMg1sFtcXijdxNRf 500000
BAx2jRNkBz6CWyZtqbeaa4cs8eTEgF5KVA 500000
B4oLy5pdWGAKTSUnVEjv5rsXWuRMjYRKQJ 500000
BGa5poAVFDZWnKeP2nmWYxRxNwgpe8C8p3 500000
BDatSE2aFGoerw2f4m2XDMurHEUWiajSEU 500000
BH8qEmQ1bzQGbpKeEAFngrrVAeLfq1XuQh 500000
BAsYWAesHEB2zepnwyEfUcduRAemD8ENuj 500000
BGEzTJNzNKYufYX3mPWNwEVwR212AaL9qA 500000
B63crhibdENtotap1sFn6sN6rNgjMtihgA 500000
B68cAqBAhGL7MeKdBu3T7KSLkTXfdn3jcr 500000
BKze2LjVKuZcrSm5BABjcc8KVCARk5Kt1Y 500000
B6dc6gdTJt8dQ9pJCvN3s2e3pA5ommSE5K 500000
BF6BmNUC8HSB279Q3Ku6iW2PFVKWZ8Q9qz 499900
BEM5L9RcEcri5zTjTH28Cz4sXGV4ohwvi3 499900
B6q3eARDKQEtKJR86q2tqvnqXUE6s3zbnU 499700
BDdC9YfeFtxgRCWbqznwTpBkzK2nGPJLCS 478908
BM8fe56AWV8quqMY32zhJ8cM73kWD27EPe 469821
BPJF2cTLP5q6u5JszUSNet14Hf3jbxU9NP 450206
BT4K7zdWa6hvSg8d9UWVo1tHYDP6XKDnqM 427482
B5BDitTWo1GKSV9dixvbhHyE1e1T4w4jzo 423850
BDDdoqBNYZm7MH1ZnESoyMBBZ3LrbW9VCd 383900
BBHF93sSnufeUemeHuRohAnNeEjaC16EZe 324703
BDmorAJEYp19HCnyNkoavGh9WLzNPdyRCL 318842
BSd7k2st12AGZdRikdqXqmuYgWcBSHbYCZ 300000

Thanks for transparency
sr. member
Activity: 546
Merit: 252
Greetings guys.  I got my Static set up this morning and I'm happy to be onboard with XBY.  This is a very unique opportunity.  No ICO. Beginning price of 1 Satoshi.  A brand new algorithm in the world of crypto.  I don't see how a person would not want to get involved.  I spent the last couple days watching the videos, reading through this forum, and came to the decision that this coin has the potential to be something very great.

The community in the Slack was very helpful to help me set up my Static Node.  During the process, ccrevolution created a new slack channel just for helping people get their nodes setup.  I'm not new to crypto, but I am new to getting something like this to work, and it was cool to see the community come together to assist me in getting it all done.  If any of you guys reading this are unsure, I would suggest watching the YouTube videos, read through this forum, and join the Slack. 

I got most of the coins at a level in the 140-180 range.  And even now, I believe the price is very undervalued.  I'm invested now, so anything I can do to help out the community, I am willing to do.  I'm digging the vision of the coin.  The story of how everything came together is very interesting.  Anyways, glad to be here.
sr. member
Activity: 602
Merit: 255
Current Rich List, down to 300,000 XBY.

As you can see, we have many wallets prepared at the 1 million mark and also the 500k mark for set up into STaTiC.

Of course, the 1 million wallets will need to be divided now that we are doing the STaTiC nodes with 500.000 XBY.

BGVUg2AzNEd3T28zQBNG2v8hzqbC3bDoDf 300000000  < C-CEX wallet...
BGWSFa1nwFjzMYNh7kt3428Po55qHmM6gy 33994800
B8d4XcddNs2a1DcrbFiLeo5e3RxQ4KcEsK 20080639
B5hkGc6sgjHkyenztNPqinzZaiebzpoRZi 18000000
BEuzMV5YFaTHm76foDqJ1NzPpXQ3ZjibiJ 16337501
B7CTxHra2o1y4iWgwGJAABmKCMyJ7PDSb8 16279175
BSNjhfPgCU4EvU29EjYGUTDEmhT3a3n7dm 11199900
BSdmA2uyGhNi4W3LNLccjka3kDngdE4BKB 11102000
BHSqSSN5fwQNxVqV5mePVyqzemjrtgpcCV 11002400
B6QmEE3mMdh6p8q1zfQ3g9ezYwupr6aBSo 10900000
BC21aaiYu7KsEzirBEkFH6ZExKLfwuqke2 10900000
B7rAoZLbumjkZH61UntLM8mEkLQXaFnaE2 10315559
BLVL8D4qgCG7gjfXuf6At2qbnBdd7Uiegv 10094800
BFaeyHdRpFXzriyJJHdrn7hG62pmXZ73YC 10004800
BDqZVbjZxxKbjiNY6NoHwTdza3e3mGaPo1 9254282
BMncPy6hv8xA2LPz9yc4Y3ppThrh7sdH8a 7738218
B6iqhwoEeh4jYxR6NmnacDy2R4PEqTsN7L 7504625
BBJxssLZn5yMd16jG1YJgUNbaynnE5Tp9j 7354881
BTizqReG3kVC22YnYovhfs6B25v4hJaxMa 5001000
BLrfXyFiFF3yVUgpszoK6Uh7zwbbxZ1FNp 4569654
BMRsyZxi7GUmu7xhiDuJv5SyqsvoeubH45 4504376
BFiYmiCZg1MY5RVBSBBFKd5xohRw8Z936C 4261360
BMW2JoiAiZMG4i6ASGTPqmv8pD3bBz6qzw 3519512
BQLPq7pbtgTXrfLeuudeCM4PKbXMh1bTPL 3099800
BFPwwMG2cMQvvKBLCXigpQsj7fkGFHLbeS 3000240
BR4ZJajEaNQezZyZ66PKRcyhdsQ4NyGkXj 2957860
BGfVueoCGimz4xAWXNVQ9f5L1tqY5c356w 2815142
BAijPVxV17TFVi2MvNqYHAEkReUsCgQJwV 2501517
B9rwsKdt4DywKMfQW8zZGZhN9kUU8d3rWh 2302362
BN25UACBwQW4ujX8UKqyMjEcMmkCe9XJFi 2016913
BB1uDKeAT64uHbSYaZKmSL33oNZ48niAJv 2001000
B6cNKwU2fcH72hfshpXuYaWbFianFbKtuQ 1910450
BKr3jpWPduMC9CY27mHfGCofKxQkr5srrm 1900508
BBNDV5K5KK5S2tHyucj7Y66nKWKxjFxrzP 1630073
BJq2y5JsgJRTvPH2qrhFAYPrgGuMz3NmB4 1438302
BFnijn8Kh6RFn7WqmV6ovCSmHpugqag4E3 1436540
BHA7Qf1NeLfLXd5Mh94rWzx36FaAjUuKyd 1399775
BHCeyXjEV8vzkzMziugt4xDiYkF3son3xt 1394556
BRGnJQZv9gxMuNdnaz3ueiHNGJK4o4ZDjZ 1383140
BDaa1fw4X2fbP27ir5E8s3rckYZ1QXpw78 1361181
BAPkZRumT6XiHTSneZEYCMCLHA2Q9qzzyY 1350629
B7RaBLry3X5149CiSpUm7LzoDiL2gfGv6F 1309425
BJ6RHgwzQYYrpX2f1P2ZGTAeYRXUH8CozU 1247400
BN47ba1t7QaefcokrWnv4odjReTPs3XRDw 1224843
BAar4Uoy3jQVmSxHjQ5uCnGgjc8pa8bZsr 1200320
BMBLPa3Q3YHYUsGkXbm5E7UB68nx2REW4B 1139348
BRwUVpxA8Wmv2thjcLyNBRfTuBGs8DAozg 1099900
BTfQUQUYpUGLVT46hEBrkbjyw8LfKKnLKa 1060408
BDdhJsa4DVcWyLjEf7rAEogPTpmSwMmJva 1011444
BPKfjxdF4v4td2jNmWF7SgXBDyi2HEtDit 1011000
BMYFcPYWMd6JdMTpVCgJgAXjEwTanGk8bG 1001000
B9gpwadmpFiak5YWAFQERLHhGq4Ckc2i2t 1000795
BAEtFPdcaS6gS7bE8YG7FPutadmG9h1Nvi 1000101
BRGK5EAX1rFtkhq62wFRg6e1Yg2qu3zRmV 1000101
BQxUnCgHJyDUvPP8NadPuFH4oevzGEMGBi 1000101
BHv1b4Bdiw9vCKwJ52k4DPX3SF5zNsbKeQ 1000101
B552iqQC3WwZueuB4VBwdrk8MJ3Vxxy5GP 1000101
BSA74DGeETjWhB2dqihGVapV92w2p5Y8bX 1000101
BALH14xW6MrcYZxTkraYqmSrRFr6iR7uZw 1000101
B4fxekX727bbsqtNYALPxNZJN4uBpfPNPi 1000101
BFee5KVtpF3CFNUJVfhBcGGrdh7wz2v9se 1000101
BKcooZzaD8eqUGgTcUAnXJtudUE6Fstwsb 1000101
B5FuAnWm9Xbyes9Gn5tJCFjeMhLAXsw8DS 1000101
B6zmTcrUyEA8RkpsD3LU9ZtEGPGCo9VfEy 1000100
BCnCggSpnPgpy1nKWuw1M8KYmM5r7gRrqb 1000000
B6kduLcZaNrA6X2KTTqkkB1cBWZMBvQ2cC 1000000
BT11jpG8Xpy97q3cpqpAAq9awBXs8u1YLQ 1000000
BMtscYQi3AKFYu7vGbz2NmoUNyGFyNk3r7 1000000
BM2tgYXgKar66AaVEEmeAfW82YnvMt95Mg 1000000
BGJtY8vmU9J7gsRyrGa7wHQmo6WU7k17Yc 1000000
BBfn13ki7tNUhvDNNV3hRU7EeB3zB4rQSK 1000000
BGxHEiQCgu2bdHrosmnF6Qr42HY8a3H4Gd 1000000
BGe44fL2tuSbudhSudjgs8PV4x9HaaZHPK 1000000
BPYfEHphwBKtyejoEQeQS6ogajG3FHk7c3 1000000
B4z9S6hLDbrvYCSArKxerMhm4S8drvevzs 1000000
B7beCkwRRC5X2wSJeEx62fRB1bn5WqveSu 999701
BCp1g8D3mJ7S29UZqn7hPfXpqQu3iiXMSg 975092
BTPCwUVG1qxxMFSrDf3PzNWEgmRkW2dncW 975092
BGUQ2ietToseQnAKgdWhYZPnpCbDfye8ra 890226
BGSeswczKXHTrX28nrCVEGtt4iin1vUZcb 885150
BThhVQyNBBM5BNkLUZEo5AfgrJM3EM5cEp 884433
B7B2iF3NLYaV2A7G2cwa7bi1UB63TdvKaS 834939
BBWbtSy5tfCAj42TPN9rXiQyuBaVszC1jK 742854
B6m4VS4rSCJCsSTqH5Tv7d4zBqN1JFmtpi 739501
BS4vjcLR4m15LVEPvUE4UZJdRjuMpEZzT4 700000
BPD7b6t4DmLgbxVLaQ7tFpSWjdD1p4fj4Y 697400
B94pFh7WBVZnj1ifiVUEthJF17HBX8Y6ZS 599900
BM1K3RHCYc85cuc5KXwUjpaVBtFUnAERhY 599800
BNCrBKyFKMwEqeYrW3hmUb6DHU3jE9Kfxb 522141
BSNPREeTcPUHZ8rB1prUhFNJ46oDz5r57n 507693
BTAaQfmH8saJYbuRCsAcA9WsSCdMUpc9mf 500100
B8o9ftGGH6FF2wovfoSiuMASukjsgY6NRR 500100
B6WcpqQcV3ZyknNWGzQFG8ZoKKrLW8h8J1 500100
BELNJgfktpFB4XtnKao3pw2qUESMPGHymD 500100
B5NuFQ6QFTnKE7UZtZRKj1VAyM6vzGeb3i 500100
BRj4kwzExoXjemrSos2CUi2kFaDhj3tSEG 500100
BL8zhgFDQA6KdXbDJRgMg1sFtcXijdxNRf 500000
BAx2jRNkBz6CWyZtqbeaa4cs8eTEgF5KVA 500000
B4oLy5pdWGAKTSUnVEjv5rsXWuRMjYRKQJ 500000
BGa5poAVFDZWnKeP2nmWYxRxNwgpe8C8p3 500000
BDatSE2aFGoerw2f4m2XDMurHEUWiajSEU 500000
BH8qEmQ1bzQGbpKeEAFngrrVAeLfq1XuQh 500000
BAsYWAesHEB2zepnwyEfUcduRAemD8ENuj 500000
BGEzTJNzNKYufYX3mPWNwEVwR212AaL9qA 500000
B63crhibdENtotap1sFn6sN6rNgjMtihgA 500000
B68cAqBAhGL7MeKdBu3T7KSLkTXfdn3jcr 500000
BKze2LjVKuZcrSm5BABjcc8KVCARk5Kt1Y 500000
B6dc6gdTJt8dQ9pJCvN3s2e3pA5ommSE5K 500000
BF6BmNUC8HSB279Q3Ku6iW2PFVKWZ8Q9qz 499900
BEM5L9RcEcri5zTjTH28Cz4sXGV4ohwvi3 499900
B6q3eARDKQEtKJR86q2tqvnqXUE6s3zbnU 499700
BDdC9YfeFtxgRCWbqznwTpBkzK2nGPJLCS 478908
BM8fe56AWV8quqMY32zhJ8cM73kWD27EPe 469821
BPJF2cTLP5q6u5JszUSNet14Hf3jbxU9NP 450206
BT4K7zdWa6hvSg8d9UWVo1tHYDP6XKDnqM 427482
B5BDitTWo1GKSV9dixvbhHyE1e1T4w4jzo 423850
BDDdoqBNYZm7MH1ZnESoyMBBZ3LrbW9VCd 383900
BBHF93sSnufeUemeHuRohAnNeEjaC16EZe 324703
BDmorAJEYp19HCnyNkoavGh9WLzNPdyRCL 318842
BSd7k2st12AGZdRikdqXqmuYgWcBSHbYCZ 300000

sr. member
Activity: 602
Merit: 255
ok. thanks for trying to answer.
I'll pass for now, Best of luck to XtraBytes.

We will have a system available soon where this can be seen by everyone. Your patience and understanding is appreciated as we work hard to juggle all the balls while trying to do all this work in motion... Our roadmap clearly shows that we are in phase 2 right now and after 50.000 block we will be implementing the full PoSign.

Sorry for our friend getting tough on you, we deal with many trolls and FUD in here as you probably know.

Thanks for stopping by again!

Activity: 106
Merit: 11
Only dev know it. Why is it so important for u? It seems you are troll. What u looking for here? Everything was explained. It is enough to read all news in this thread. 2 days ago we started to register nodes, they will start after 50000 block so in about 18 days. Is it so hard to understand it?

There is no link to see how many nodes is registered. Everything is builded right now. It is no so easy like u think. It is just beginning and u want to see and know everything!?
It seems u didnt read anything and didn`t watch any viedo explained everything about this coin. It is wasting time to explain it to people like u!
We have invested with XBY on the principle of trust and have been impressive results so far do not necessarily answer all the question or come one and go to things that have been answered in the front pages
sr. member
Activity: 602
Merit: 255

Below are the registered STaTiC nodes to date:

STaTiC registration ID:858d8ae6be3ce8c1301e1a9d19442f2aa7c41690ed394393a8c7ee1922595219
STaTiC name ID:BAsYWAesHEB2zepnwyEfUcduRAemD8ENuj
STaTiC human readable name:Borzalom
STaTiC public key:RtH8t21499ccfEsoFjBhY91QGai9bbaQTEFL59GkCASVTeGRQ7Q1u5EtV7YVbDknUJWqxwjK3GaEKw5 sPrsNYHAE
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STaTiC registration ID:255019de1b0324b1af27380f364b4cd7f54154d9dc8785d3947990757dc17490
STaTiC human readable name:STAT1Morph
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STaTiC registration ID:8dd3a56a40d006aaf859409d4089ac5a8cae7ff4e687f457f37b863621eed240
STaTiC human readable name:Gettin Paper
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STaTiC registration ID:780c896402d3c255a588af5e594b0beee169a946abaa56c8fe9ef1c1c9fbb3b2
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STaTiC human readable name:bikerleszno
STaTiC public key:QRzY6GJrUibyosvqTog2Rf6W2Hge7FJWFuFAPVfbz6eUGQvMnyHfAMnZt4MTSr6YXy4vMvXef4rBa23 esniK6Y72
STaTiC spendable address:BMtscYQi3AKFYu7vGbz2NmoUNyGFyNk3r7

STaTiC registration ID:fb676f40a435fe6981218d98f05de65b25d6fe59e933c3c560350b1ddd9c9927
STaTiC name ID:B6dc6gdTJt8dQ9pJCvN3s2e3pA5ommSE5K
STaTiC human readable name:Transcendent Consciousness
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STaTiC human readable name:SiriusB
STaTiC spendable address:BDatSE2aFGoerw2f4m2XDMurHEUWiajSEU

STaTiC registration ID:be6c174fb97509e3b4ba9058811092b0762c34b15ec79a1969aefc63577044be
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STaTiC human readable name:SiriusA
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STaTiC spendable address:BDatSE2aFGoerw2f4m2XDMurHEUWiajSEU

STaTiC registration ID:95a3757712c5772c4ab914708f720cacb299a0f425b8d8e7a3b6a9811df58864
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STaTiC human readable name:bikerleszno2
STaTiC public key:NZJHoE6eewtfne5dy25PEtyXtZZWRLqSvQnjvdfSYLmCBQbFRoy1QaDt9C6MYJfpYt7ZdXAXnmpFk1q pTU5mWi2j
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STaTiC registration ID:1e59d50f6c68c0871da85ff83247ed66424e9ff1ea168d60a6c87678640eabf0
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STaTiC human readable name:Bringa2017
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STaTiC human readable name:XBabY
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STaTiC human readable name:JD
STaTiC public key:NfWmJ2iy9aceZnuN96cU4PmrWP9VHuMnzvr4GakFwPdZ9nSgAzuP319rTPcpdBLRRieSXh61Cwp3VLh cgTjHnbzT
STaTiC spendable address:BPTXYxid93vJC7Znj4cxEeAnPrAEvVH5D9

STaTiC registration ID:3d8925a767faf76e4b1287c3a62652bf97d86a5bb602df4a974c8f9156793f20
STaTiC name ID:BGggZrWts52CcRjNk9X8YAR4ErD1on43E2
STaTiC human readable name:Alkaline
STaTiC public key:R4iwFCxnAp8pDxJHPi7txPvZhafXipF7TndXZdkpr7ATEFrJhzkDRk54QbbrDUWzmWidRfBAyJKfSvu 7b5N7wG9v
STaTiC spendable address:BKc9sJRPDkn8fcG7h9dFTeKULDjLuNr7uA

This will get easier to complete with the videos and screenshots.

Thank you!!
sr. member
Activity: 602
Merit: 255
It seems as though our popularity has inspired someone to turn their mining rig at XBY... So, we have another fan!!

However, this is going to speed up the deadline of the 50.000 block. This means the deadline for setting up STaTiC nodes will come sooner!!

Anyone mining, please be sure to use the latest client.

Thanks you!!

Activity: 1111
Merit: 1000
crypto-enthusiast since 2012
ok. thanks for trying to answer.
I'll pass for now, Best of luck to XtraBytes.
hero member
Activity: 656
Merit: 501
XBY - New Tech Coin (POSIGN)
Only dev know it. Why is it so important for u? It seems you are troll. What u looking for here? Everything was explained. It is enough to read all news in this thread. 2 days ago we started to register nodes, they will start after 50000 block so in about 18 days. Is it so hard to understand it?

There is no link to see how many nodes is registered. Everything is builded right now. It is no so easy like u think. It is just beginning and u want to see and know everything!?
It seems u didnt read anything and didn`t watch any viedo explained everything about this coin. It is wasting time to explain it to people like u!
Activity: 1111
Merit: 1000
crypto-enthusiast since 2012
@TroySmith : I don't understand your rant.  

I simply want to check a working/online version of Static nodes script checker, only to see how many nodes exists right now and to check the progression.
Can you provide it? nobody from the community can provide it?  I didn't thought it was a hard question.  
Please, you probably want to deal with fud, but don't make it look like you have something to hide.

How many nodes exist right now? link please.
that's it

How many times we need to tell people there are no active nodes online at this moment?! Right now we have step when we are registering nodes. After dev will complete all source code exactly after 50000 block in about 18 days we will start with nodes.

LOL... playing around words I see.. 

So, How many "registered" nodes right now then? link please. thank you
hero member
Activity: 656
Merit: 501
XBY - New Tech Coin (POSIGN)
@TroySmith : I don't understand your rant.  

I simply want to check a working/online version of Static nodes script checker, only to see how many nodes exists right now and to check the progression.
Can you provide it? nobody from the community can provide it?  I didn't thought it was a hard question.  
Please, you probably want to deal with fud, but don't make it look like you have something to hide.

How many nodes exist right now? link please.
that's it

How many times we need to tell people there are no active nodes online at this moment?! Right now we have step when we are registering nodes. After dev will complete all source code exactly after 50000 block in about 18 days we will start with nodes.
Activity: 1111
Merit: 1000
crypto-enthusiast since 2012
@TroySmith : I don't understand your rant.  

I simply want to check a working/online version of Static nodes script checker, only to see how many nodes exists right now and to check the progression.
Can you provide it? nobody from the community can provide it?  I didn't thought it was a hard question.  
Please, you probably want to deal with fud, but don't make it look like you have something to hide.

How many nodes exist right now? link please.
that's it
Activity: 48
Merit: 0
I think there's only 17 days to go for the masternodes.
Where we can see how many nodes are live now?
Either an online list or within the wallet?
Thank you

OK. That's the code. Thank you

But is there an online place running this script?
I would like to check how many nodes are running.
Investors need to validate that all the hype about the nodes is confirmed by actually nodes being created.
The dev said he want a good quantity of nodes, like 256.
That's a huge quantity of nodes and it's easy to see that a good proportion of the XtraBYtes cheerleaders are short term profit hop'ers.

I'm not attacking, I'm not trolling. Legit concerns only.
Let's see the seriousness of this community.

I didn't think you were trolling. Here the problem at the moment, the project is like a screaming new born baby at the moment. The tech might of been in the developers mind for a while but the project is only weeks old. So there is a lot of ducks not lined up and we are just starting to get websites, social media etc in place. Honestly with nodes the absolute priority is to get them set up as its not like nodes on other coins where they can be set up anytime. These need to be done in next 2 weeks as far as I understand. The developer has periodically posted the list of nodes and also given the script for people to look themselves, for a busy guy I think he's done enough on that area for now. I personally don't think we will get 256 nodes in such a short time, that's just the ideal, no one is claiming we have that many, the developer has actually only shown we have about 10. With the interest shown by people to set them up that's not hard to believe.

I think the seriousness of the community will come once we shake off weak small time trader hands and bigger whales join the project. I'm not holding my breath for that until we get on a better exchange personally. But so far pretty amazing community is coming up, the guy who made the Litecoin logo is working with us. In one week we have wallets being made, banners being made, websites, social media...all set up by community with zero bounties, just investor community helping out. So really so far so good.

Thank you for your reply and opinion. I totally understand that there's a huge amount of things to do atm for XtraBytes dev team and the community that is engaging with this project, And that's why my question to know how many nodes are actives now.  

I have a hard time to believe the number of masternodes to be only around 10.  It simply doesn't fit with a 5X increase in price and makes me think it's most probably currently overbought. I'm just looking for that important input (nb of masternodes) to make a wise investment decision.
thank you for your time

Are you purposely being ignorant? The static nodes have only started to be put in place this weekend, this project is not the same as other masternode systems, the price rise is because this with POSign will be unique....not how many nodes it has?Huh

You ask about nodes and can't be bothered to download the link the developer provided to find out yourself?Huh

Looks like FUD to me, the price drops now and you walk away.
Activity: 106
Merit: 11
OK. That's the code. Thank you

But is there an online place running this script?
I would like to check how many nodes are running.
Investors need to validate that all the hype about the nodes is confirmed by actually nodes being created.
The dev said he want a good quantity of nodes, like 256.
That's a huge quantity of nodes and it's easy to see that a good proportion of the XtraBYtes cheerleaders are short term profit hop'ers.

I'm not attacking, I'm not trolling. Legit concerns only.
Let's see the seriousness of this community.

zero nodes till block 50,000.

registering of nodes is now.
hello dev
Activity: 1638
Merit: 1036
OK. That's the code. Thank you

But is there an online place running this script?
I would like to check how many nodes are running.
Investors need to validate that all the hype about the nodes is confirmed by actually nodes being created.
The dev said he want a good quantity of nodes, like 256.
That's a huge quantity of nodes and it's easy to see that a good proportion of the XtraBYtes cheerleaders are short term profit hop'ers.

I'm not attacking, I'm not trolling. Legit concerns only.
Let's see the seriousness of this community.

zero nodes till block 50,000.

registering of nodes is now.
sr. member
Activity: 882
Merit: 269
I am also monitoring this coin today, but it seems like a pump and dump. Just seen it on ccex @245 satoshi then some drops at @170+. I like this project because it is in Ethereum contract, but I am still undecided to invest. What is the target price of this coin from devs?
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