bitmox in ico selling never investor interest to buy
if now you write open investment to up bitmox coin iam smile, is orginal bitmox if new launch and open ico selling only few buy bitmox coin and then scam, you want can up bitmox coin and need investor, i think never investor interest sending bitcoin to you
This is not another ICO or ICO scam. The original ICO closed and ending. No more ICO. Each ICO BTC-s stealing the scammer and left the project therefore Bitmox value is ZERO now. Some people like me bought Bitmox. Everybody want sell and nobody want buy now. Coin dieing. Bitmox owners have only two choices.
a.) Accept to BTC loses what spend to bought Bitmox
b.) We build one new Bitmox and Bitmox will valued again
The transactions review in progress. I don't know the results. If you buy or sell Bitmox then your risk is very high now. I don't guaranted to Bitmox will valued again or my project will be successful. Maybe yes or maybe no. I'm software developer. I just guaranted the full transparency. No other promises.
Source code has built in scams like this: good news to C-CEX switched the coin to maintenance mode and confirmed these deposits:
50000000.00000000 BGVUg2AzNEd3T28zQBNG2v8hzqbC3bDoDf eb5d439229d53b7583caae2bb0dffea72be8bec6fe4283bdb8894f68f9d832c3
49999999.00000000 BGVUg2AzNEd3T28zQBNG2v8hzqbC3bDoDf bdc67efe02874da38d3ab57e45cb0cad55e159a17a50ed5bb05d819aa8c35737
50000000.00000000 BGVUg2AzNEd3T28zQBNG2v8hzqbC3bDoDf 317a8e03771ee706572873d908be9f2164dc97cb2247279aaeb0b2fc04ab7df8
99999999.00000000 BGVUg2AzNEd3T28zQBNG2v8hzqbC3bDoDf ed70878948f16c48adcb3f0f7c90dd02f146c4c8818eee72f069c6d8292e11f8
99999999.00000000 BGVUg2AzNEd3T28zQBNG2v8hzqbC3bDoDf 10752ee1db1b8493ad5d39e6a062cb219fb3d3068db573f688252fbc682c8234
99999999.00000000 BGVUg2AzNEd3T28zQBNG2v8hzqbC3bDoDf c6d324b56fa17a6caceb473bd10ea821121d8b2ec4e02f39fa92ef0c3863f099
99999999.00000000 BGVUg2AzNEd3T28zQBNG2v8hzqbC3bDoDf af2b2d931bafac92d0100525936f112ef9b67cbebadbce0f798c18d30a6cb6b0
99999999.00000000 BGVUg2AzNEd3T28zQBNG2v8hzqbC3bDoDf 9f5ff9c76052387951bc1ae6b544ef12e3bcf8e7313363f0c82b7b3eccf9a240
No billon of coins exist on the market just this is all. The solution if we repair the source code and hardfork the coin.