Coinshield launch date has been pushed back a few days so Videlicet can finish testing. The new date is 7/11 at noon (UTC-08:00) Pacific Time. CLICK HERE for countdown. The following was added to the OP:CSD- Unique FeaturesThe following features are unique to Coinshield and were created by Videlicet.Upgraded Hashing - 1024 Bit Block Headers/ 512 Bit CoreCoinshield was built to be secure. CSD is the first coin to upgrade from a 256 bit to a 512 bit core and a 1024 block hash.
CSD Unified Time Model - Synchronizes Clocks WorldwideMiners can no longer try to gain an unfair advantage by manipulating their clocks. No more "your wallet is 2 hours behind" error. Wallets will always be on the correct time, regardless of your clocks settings. CSD Unified Time Model keeps your clock in sync to the second no matter if your clock is off by 5 minutes or 5 days.
CSD Fractional Rewarding - Prevents Inflation / Locks Distribution to Timed ReleaseNo more instamine! Goodbye HUGE multi-pool profits! CSD Fractional Rewarding bases block reward off of the block time when the chain is producing too many blocks. This will keep the Coin Distribution Locked to a Specific Time, which means no matter how many blocks are made, coin supply will remain on target.
No More Block Reward HalvingCoinshield was designed to have longevity, and be a stable container for wealth for many years to come. This is why coinshield block reward will never half over night. CSD follows an exponential decay model, which follows a curve to ease shock to market. It will be mineable forever, with minimal inflation of 1% after 10 years.
The First Multi-Channel coin with POSCoinshield has a CPU mining channel, a GPU mining channel, and POS at a 2% Annual Inflation (2 Week Age, 2 Year Limit).
SK-1024 (New GPU Mining Algorithm)Skein-1024 hashed to Keccak-1024. Skein was the second runner up in the NIST SHA3 competition. Together these two algorithms are highly secure.
Prime Search (New CPU Mining Algorithm)This channel looks for very large prime numbers from a 1024 bit hash. These numbers can be as large as 308 digits. It uses a fractional difficulty proportion to adjust the difficulty. This will help number theorist in proving/disproving conjectures concerning prime numbers.
Shield Target - Target Difficulty from Chain Time and Block Time ProportionsCoinshield has it's own difficulty targeting system called Shield Target. Shield Target will provide Coinshield with a smooth increase and sharp decrease in mining difficulty. For the GPU mining algorithm Shield Target uses two variables:
1. Giving Block Time
2. The Chain Time
The first variable will tell you how far off target that one block is, the next variable will tell you what block the block chain should be at. If the height of block being created is less than the target chain height, that block will be at a lower difficulty to stimulate more block production. This will bring chain back to its target. If chain is too far ahead of target, it will have larger difficulty increases to increase their block times and get the chain back on target (for specifics see code at launch).
For the CPU, Shield Target works by getting an average of N block times which will determine what the difficulty should be adjusted to. The prime numbers found will have to fulfill a proportion of Fermat Remainders of (2 (2n - 1) + 1) and ((n - 1) / 2) + 1) / 2 which makes larger proportions *rare* to find. The second factor taken into account is the size of the 1024 hash. This is done by taking the difference between largest 1024 bit number and prime number to account for larger primes requiring more computing to produce.