A community leader that is knowledgeable and flamboyant and can get out their and promote Gulden as a leader. This leader gets paid a salary from the premine.
Rijk remains the leader of development and does not get involved with the community. Only manages development and development is paid monthly by the premine.
Premine in a multisig address between 3 people. Community Leader, Rijk and 1 other trusted person in the community.
The third person should have accounting skills and handle administration of all outgoing expenditure that can later be shown to the community.
This removes all the distrust of premine used for other nefarious reasons or Rijk using it for a family trust. 3 people keep a eye on each other.
Lol “community leader”, here this person is going to lead you now. You have to bow now.
Besides a new premine what do you think the future holds for Gulden? What will it take for Rijk Plaasman to reinvest in his own creation?
A fresh start (new coin or bad whales removed) with the good people from the community.
A new coin with similar specifications to florin I can get behind. Any ideas for a new coin name?