I dont remember that i was talking to you. As far as i know i am allowed to ask questions and it is up to OP to reply. Did i miss some changes to "free speech" over night? Feel free to report my post, there is a button that says "report", you can use it to tell the mods about me.
You are welcome, thank you!
EDIT: I dont care about other 3rd party websites, i care about offers here and i just want to inform my self. i dont see anything wrong about that BEFORE i might throw my BTC out of the window.
You weren't asking anyone any questions, just to refresh your memory that's what you posted.
Td;lr not legal...
How is that asking a question? How is that being informative and helping others who are thinking about buying his product.
Hop off your high horse mate.
Also don't come to me with that free speech, report button bollox.
Be constructive, bring information to the thread.