We're not a fan of stuff in the wallet/on the blockchain for the sake of it just this early. Decentralized and 'on the blockchain' are great catchphrases but if the features/usability don't beat things like Magento/WooCommerce or Bittrex/Vault of Satoshi then it's just not ready to make a real difference for public consumption yet (I'm thinking years).
I believe in decentralization and p2peer but until a marketplace has this: https://www.magentocommerce.com/images/uploads/magento-feature-list.pdf it just won't compete with centralization/fiat for a mainstream audience. I think OpenBazaar will get there but not for some time (we're keeping up to date and talking with an extra potential team member or two to have these more public this year). That can always be followed here: https://github.com/jlcurby/NobleRoad/commits. It's a little behind because to be honest the 100s of BTC thrown at UseCoin and other coins promising awesome decentralized 'marketplaces' (BS that turn into scams) while we suffer a little turned me off keeping it up to date for the time being. https://marketplace.noblemovement.com is still going strong and we'll be adding more digital products soon and doing further promo.
Our biggest problem right now and the reason for the delays/quiet period comes down to money. Money (or BTC) talks here and currently we have very next to none when compared to the coins/IPOs ('scams', misleading or otherwise) and groups making mega-bucks. Sure we're legit, honest, etc. but the NobleCoin approach in the altcoin space does not make noise or money. That's been prioritised now, and it might be a month or two until finalized, but some people in the altcoin sphere now have an idea on what I've been doing for a lot of this year. We'll be noticed soon enough.
Open Bazaar is nearer than you might think. I saw a demo in Raleigh recently, it's almost all working and the beta is next month with most good features. Might be a good idea to start thinking about a fork and supporting NOBL there, after the current development efforts for the PoS etc. have been completed.
How can the community help with the money?