Small Update on Marketplace(s)In light of recently trying to promote our marketplace and longer-term vision for a decentralized marketplace I'd just like to clear the air and make clear a few things in regards to questions/criticism I've received privately (due to the attention other coins are receiving for their marketplaces).
1. OpenBazaar is an open-source project (decentralized P2P marketplace) being built by quite a large and capable team which has a focus currently on BTC. They have publicly stated numerous times that their open-source version will allow altcoins to be plugged in, meaning every fork of OpenBazaar in the future will have the ability to have an unlimited number of altcoins supported. OpenBazaar is currently in
alpha, with beta not estimated until December and transactions not currently even available. Their site & team:, their github:
2. Our NobleRoad vision I've gone on about a few times the last half a year was always going to be a fork of OpenBazaar when it was ready and accommodating NobleCoin specifically. It was always to act as a decentralized backup to our current centralized marketplace and have all the same items/deals offered by us as well as the P2P inclusive functionality of OpenBazaar. Our current Marketplace is a centralized version similar to Amazon that is hosted on our servers. Our NobleRoad github/brand is now here: We've toyed, deployed and keep up to date when we can with OpenBazaar progress.
I added recent commits now just to make a point of what an OpenBazaar fork actually is.3. Any fork of OpenBazaar done for other coins for specific purposes is not them copying us or us copying them. It is a fork of OpenBazaar and uses their source code - OpenBazaar development team deserve any credit. In all fairness perhaps some coins can deliver their version of OpenBazaar with full altcoin support before the OpenBazaar team gets out of alpha with BTC, but as of right now unless these teams are working on private forks/Githubs and are well-progressed far beyond OpenBazaar development I do not believe that is the case. Their public Githubs are well behind. Hell if they manage to pull it off, I personally can't wait to see the public Github and deliver our own version of it - with a nod of thanks to those who actually deliver something ahead of the OpenBazaar team.
4. Our focus has been on an Amazon-style Marketplace because a decentralized Silk Road-style (free market) market (OpenBazaar) is still in alpha and we haven't had the luxury/desire to compete against a team we feel is far more capable/focused purely on delivering that. An OpenBazaar version is due when it matures, it's not something we want to compete with OpenBazaar or other coins for.
So please stop with the sharp remarks of coins stealing other coins 'innovations'. OpenBazaar belongs to the OpenBazaar team, it doesn't belong to any altcoin. If there are two altcoins that deserve 'attention' for marketplace 'innovation', I personally believe it would be FTC & NOBL, but that's just me (edit: or the asset/digital marketplaces coming from the established 2.0's).
Edit: I'm still waiting on the SSL certificate for to be delivered to our admin email. The delay might be because of the weekend, but it's coming.