nije u pitanju hak ili nedostatak sredstava, cini se da je samo nedostatak posla i mali obimi trgovine na menjacnici
Želite novi open source hardverski novčanik i jedinstveni kolekcionarski predmet?
Prijavite se za FREE Raffle i možda dobijete Satochip Exclusive 14th Years Bitcointalk Special Edition!
This is unique limited edition hardware wallet in card format, with design inspired by Satoshi and Bitcointalk forum.
Satochip will release this limited series for 14th years anniversary only, and you won't be able to purchase them ever again.
This card can be used as regular Open Source hardware wallet, and as valuable collectibles item.
Easy Rules:
- Post your Username.
- Post your feedback about Satochip Special Edition Card Design.
- Only active members are accepted starting from Full Member rank.
- Multiple accounts are not allowed, and I reserve the right to exclude some participants for any reason.
- Shipping is done directly by Satochip officials.
- Exact draw date will be announced later.