
Topic: NPR's Border Fact Check - page 4. (Read 1433 times)

Activity: 3318
Merit: 1958
First Exclusion Ever
December 17, 2018, 05:14:56 PM
That article only talks about federal crimes because, conveniently, all immigration crimes are federal.  This is a genius slight of hand used by thehill to trick people like yourself into thinking the way you do but the fact is, most crime is at the state level so when sorted this way, its very misleading.  Just go to the article and search "federal" and you will see that all of the stats are based on federal crimes, federal persecutors and federal prisons.  Its a weaponized article because anyone who doesn't understand the difference between federal crime and state crime is going to be convinced.

And? Does the fact that they are federal crimes make it any less of an issue? The only sleight of hand is when you tilt your head a bit of that Postmodernist mind mush you call a brain leaks out and you wipe it from your ear. That and the fact you rely on collectivized state level stats to hide the exceptional levels of crime in Southern regional border states. Most crime is state level. You claim it is more accurate while in the same breath use the fact that some states have very low numbers of illegal immigrants as some kind of proof of their law abidingness.

Also most illegal immigrants DON'T CALL THE COPS, but lets pretend that part has no effect on the reported stats shall we? if anything the stats are UNDER reported. Illegal aliens are not more law abiding than citizens here of any sort. Every link you post requires some leftist to massage the stats other people present until they get the result they like. Also once again, even if every illegal immigrant was an angel, it still gives them no right to flood into the country, no matter how Postmodern your views on borders are.

Who said the US was the only country? No one. Please tell me a sub group of the population that does not break laws. We weren't talking about Europe until you made this statement.

"No nation can withstand open borders combined with a welfare state, it is IMPOSSIBLE."

I'll give you a chance to retract that wild statement since it somehow doesn't encompass Europe.

and this

I just wanted to check to see how off your rocker you are, and you confirmed fully thank you. Essentially your view is no nation is valid and no one has rights to their land, borders, or anything because at some point in time it was taken by conquest. A subgroup of the population that doesn't break laws? How about law abiding citizens? Actually you brought up Europe, but far be it from me to expect you to even remember the crap you spew at me mindlessly.

I am not retracting anything. Open borders was fine for Europe when it was limited and the nations sharing those open borders shared a similar culture. That is different from just the open flooding in of immigrants from the 3rd world. As you can see that has been having negative effects on Europe for some time, and this is why you have the yellow vest movement. They aren't protesting gas tax, they are protesting the crushing weight of uncontrolled immigration combined with a welfare state. Those conditions are going to end, either in revolution or horrible failure, or maybe both. Of course people like you will claim you were right even as your own home is over run and burned to the ground, your last breath preaching tolerance and sacrifice, your ego too important to sacrifice, even for your life.

2.  Of course it doesn't make smuggling easier.  Smuggling is already easy.  You are the one who talked about all the bad shit being smuggled into the US.  A change to funnel immigrants through actual ports could make smuggling more difficult because you would have the main volume of people walking through ports being checked while the smugglers would be lonely trying to find another way in.  There would be no caravans to "hide amongst" as you suggest is happening now.

4. I think you need to understand the situation in Honduras before we can continue.  That will give you insight into why people are leaving and why the people who are responsible for the crime can only do it there where the political situation allows them to.  Those same people would be powerless to run their schemes in the US.

5. Human rights are very simple. Freedom of movement.  I'm not going to tell people where they have to go.  You wouldn't like it if someone said you had to go live in Honduras, (the place that YOU ruined) and tried to ship you there and you already think the analogy is ridiculous because you are convinced you earned the right to safety here more than them simply by being born.

2. So your argument is that having no security or checks on a border does not make moving contraband (including sex slave children) across it easier? You are free to have your own opinions, but not free to have your own reality. Either way under your scenario they still have a group of people to hide among. This is obviously a pretty retarded argument to anyone with any critical thought abilities.

4. You know, it really sucks some people live in bad places. I wish that was not reality, but it is reality, and inviting them all here to join us is not going to make anything better for anyone. In fact the end result will be worse for all parties, including the immigrants. Immigration has always been controlled to allow time for assimilation into the culture, without this the fabric of the USA is eroded, but people like you often think this is a desirable result.

5. Oh I ruined Honduras now? Fuck you and your guilt projection. Just calling it simple doesn't magically make it simple, though I know that concept is one Postmodernists and Socialists struggle with. I am convinced you are a fool, and I have a right to not let fools like you destroy my country with your moronic catastrophe of an ideology.

Hahaha the classic "hitler was a socialist" comment BINGO.  I'M CALLING BINGO.  

I have no reason to be biased against the nation that made me richer than most people on the planet simply by being born.  You have every reason to blindly believe might is right.   I'm just indoctrinated in the facts.  Anyone who allows crimes to be committed without doing everything in their power to stop it is complicit.  That means we are not only complicit in deaths at the border, but also complicit in the millions of deaths during unjust wars. We are also complicit in yemen.

Even if we don't support those wars, we allowed our government to do it on our behalf. I don't think we did everything possible to stop them. There was more direct action against the Vietnam war and those individuals I'd say are absolved

I'm saying that the agents neglected the little girl.  They didn't poison her but they didn't keep her healthy.  When you have a child in your custody, you are responsible for whatever happens.  7 year olds cannot care for themselves especially in stressed situations.  You have to talk to a child in a very gentle way and tell them stories and get them to open up to you so you can find out they are thirsty. You have to earn a child's trust before they will even talk to you.  

It has nothing to do with a welcome mat.  They had to leave and have nowhere else to go so there are no good options for them.  I've been pushing for immigration reform for decades and even recently called for more judges and processing at the border.  We have only seen an increase in cops.    Cops are not caretakers.   This is what cops do.

It is a fact, Hitler helped form the National Socialist German Workers Party. I know it is an embarrassing fact you socialists try to avoid at all costs, because if we started looking into every dictator who came to power using the promises of Socialism, the bodies would pile high and fast. You can't have that now can you? Easier to just make a joke out of it and pretend it is irrelevant and just avoid the whole discussion right?

You are either exceptionally incompetent or exceptionally duplicitous. I am not sure which but it doesn't much matter as the results are the same, just like it doesn't matter if you THINK you are bias against this nation, when you, in fact and action are.

Once again you can go fuck yourself with your projections of guilt. If you want to go self flagellate over it privately have at it, you don't get to pretend it entitles you to have me join you. You don't know what happened to that girl, and previously you were even saying they killed her with intent to punish them. You walking that one back now?

I submit the girl was already seriously ill, and they were trying to come here to get free healthcare. They knew if they checked the box that said she was ill, they would be quarantined and possibly have entry delayed. How is ICE supposed to protect the lives of people if they are actively lying to them about their condition? No what is most logical is they murdered a little girl to show the rest of those bastards what happens if you try to come here right?

It has ABSOLUTELY EVERYTHING to do with your welcome mat. Morons like you preach the word that they are all welcome and that it is legal for them to flood in over our border, and that its ok because it is a "human right". Because of this they take huge risks to their lives and the lives of their children for a chance to get in, but then they get here and realize you were full of shit, but only after they made the dangerous expensive journey. Of course you don't give a fuck about any immigrants, you give a fuck that they serve to spread the good word of Postmodernism, and you get to feel good about yourself leaving bottles of water for them from your position of superiority.
full member
Activity: 952
Merit: 175
December 17, 2018, 02:35:59 PM
Activity: 2898
Merit: 1386
December 17, 2018, 11:28:20 AM
"That same year, the U.S. Sentencing Commission found that 75 percent of all criminal defendants who were convicted and sentenced for federal drug offenses were illegal immigrants. Illegal immigrants were also involved in 17 percent of all drug trafficking sentences and one third of all federal prison sentences.

The U.S. Department of Justice and the U.S. Sentencing Commission reported that as of 2014, illegal immigrants were convicted and sentenced for over 13 percent of all crimes committed in the U.S. .....

It's worth noting that these statistics change depending on location. In some areas, the states along the US/Mexican border, they are horribly worse and constitute a crisis.
Activity: 3318
Merit: 1958
First Exclusion Ever
December 17, 2018, 11:19:28 AM
No I'm not doing what you are saying I'm doing.  Look at the links I posted.  Undocumented immigrants are not "legal immigrants".

" The incarceration rate was 1.53 percent for natives, 0.85 percent for illegal immigrants, and 0.47 percent for legal immigrants (see Figure 1). Illegal immigrants are 44 percent less likely to be incarcerated than natives. Legal immigrants are 69 percent less likely to be incarcerated than natives. Legal and illegal immigrants are underrepresented in the incarcerated population while natives are overrepresented (see Figure 2). If native-born Americans were incarcerated at the same rate as illegal immigrants, about 893,000 fewer natives would be incarcerated. If natives were incarcerated at the same rate as legal immigrants, about 1.4 million fewer natives would be incarcerated."

Yes, you are repeatedly trying to blur the line between legal and illegal immigrants. Also that is complete horse shit which I had already refuted with documentation from the GAO.

"That same year, the U.S. Sentencing Commission found that 75 percent of all criminal defendants who were convicted and sentenced for federal drug offenses were illegal immigrants. Illegal immigrants were also involved in 17 percent of all drug trafficking sentences and one third of all federal prison sentences.

The U.S. Department of Justice and the U.S. Sentencing Commission reported that as of 2014, illegal immigrants were convicted and sentenced for over 13 percent of all crimes committed in the U.S.

According to the FBI, 67,642 murders were committed in the U.S. from 2005 through 2008, and 115,717 from 2003 through 2009. The General Accounting Office documents that criminal immigrants committed 25,064 of these murders.

Illegal immigrants clearly commit a level of violent and drug related crimes disproportionate to their population."

Illegal immigrants by their very entry into the nation illegally show they have no regard for our laws. Even if what you said were true (it absolutely is not) it still would not make it ok that they illegally flood the country.

The land is the spoils.  Your citizenship and "right to be here over others" is the spoils.    The country itself is the spoils.  Everyone breaks laws which is why I showed you the stat supporting the idea that citizens break laws at a higher rate.   By that logic, citizens do not respect the law either.  Its not whataboutism its just obvious fact that all populations break laws.   How is the substantial list of european countries I listed not nations despite having open borders?  You can type things in caps but can you explain any of this paragraph?

I see, so this country will forever be the spoils of war. Not any other country of course, no, just the evil USA. No other country was founded by conquest, only here. Everyone does not break laws, and your "stat" is horse shit. Your "oh white men commit more terror" act is ABSOLUTELY what about-ism, and false at that. We aren't talking about Europe Captain Distraction, we are talking about the USA. Furthermore I don't think you want to use Europe as an example of the successes of open borders.

2. I don't like the status quo.  Smugglers are going to smuggle in the current situation because we have created a market.  I want the assylum seekers to be able to come in legally through a normal border entry.  I don't want them to have to run and hid and sneak like they do now. I don't want them to need to use smugglers. 

3. Again, please tell me where I am in conflict with myself?  I want them to be able to come walk in through a port of entry.  It is the current system that forces them to sneak via coyotes and be subjected to rape. 

4.  You have a total misunderstanding of what a refugee is and perhaps this stems from your generalization of entire countries.  It is very bad logic to say

a. there are a lot of criminals in central america
b. the refugees are coming from central america
c. therefore, the refugees are criminals   

It seems so simple to me that I don't even know how to explain to you how flawed your transition from a+b (facts) to c (fiction) is so I will just explain to you what refugees are. 

 Refugees are the people who FLEE violence and crime.  The people who are benefiting from the crime have no reason to go elsewhere.  Thats not to say that no refugees will ever commit crime because they are obviously just regular people and not perfect. 

5. I am all for screening but we clearly have to let them come through ports.  I don't want illegal immigration.  I want to legalize this immigration so that it can be done in a safe, effective way. 

6. 2nd generation immigrants didn't "come here", they were born here.  Everyone born here is a citizen.  There is no such thing as "illegal 2nd generation immigrants" so there is nothing to lump. 

2. I don't give a fuck what you like or want. Your argument is now having an open border DOESN'T make smuggling easier? Also you are just going to gloss over the fact it makes it easier to traffic children for prostitution?

3. You are CONSTANTLY saying shit that conflicts with everything else you say. It is a consequence of having no principals and the mental gymnastics you do to try to pretend like you have an argument. OH I SEE! The BORDER ITSELF is responsible for the rape and murder! Wow it is all so clear now. I never knew geographic lines were capable of such horrors.

4.  You have a total misunderstanding of ... pretty much everything in life that stems from your generalization of entire populations simply because they disagree with you. Keep your psychoanalysis to yourself Dr. Phil. Unless you want some one with real knowledge in this area to rip apart your frail little belief systems. You don't know shit about me.

"a. there are a lot of criminals in central america" - CHECK
"b. the refugees are coming from central america" - I never said they were all from S.A., but this current wave mostly is, yes.
"c. therefore, the refugees are criminals" - Fuck you. Don't speak for me. I never said all "refugees" are criminals.

Also they aren't "refugees", they aren't fleeing a war, they are economic migrants. Every word you use to describe them is a manipulative lie. It seems so simple to you because you are ignoring vast amounts of information because it conflicts with what you WANT to be true, and with your emotions, not because you are some superior evolved being that has more understanding than us racist plebeians who argue against you. People benefiting from crime have ALL THE REASON TO COME HERE, because this is where the valuable shit to steal is, and the people to sell drugs to and victimize live. This statement contains zero logic on your part (as usual).

5. GREAT NEWS! Legal immigration already exists, so your wish has come true. The fact that you want endless uncontrolled amounts of impoverished low skilled people to flood into the country is irrelevant. What you are advocating for is simply the same as the other bullshit you have said, only with a rubber stamp on top.

6. MOST 2ND GENERATION IMMIGRANTS ARE HERE AS A RESULT OF LEGAL IMMIGRATION. The rest of your argument is fucking pointless as a result.

I'm not a "good guy" because I am unwilling to do anything that isn't easy or convenient but I'm not quite a "bad guy" either.  I am complicit in the murders just like most american citizens.  The only real "good guys" are the ones willing to put their privilege on the line to fight against the oppressors and for the oppressed.  We lack these type of heroes which is why we have such an ugly world. 

The last holocaust happened because well intended people weren't willing to risk their own safety speaking out against/fighting the nazis.
The girl was healthy when she arrived, and died in custody.  If you have custody of a child and let them dehydrate, you are killing the child through neglect.  Not providing proper training, eyes, and ears is systematic neglect.  These people we have handling children are not trained in childcare.  They don't have social workers or child psychologists on the ground either.  They are basically just cops handling everyone like prisoners.  Its a humanitarian crisis.

Oh I am aware you are not the good guy. You are the willfully ignorant naive guy who thinks he is helping but ends up destroying everything. Most American citizens are complicit in murder? WHAT? You really are heavily indoctrinated against this nation aren't you?

The Holocaust happened because of knobs like you engaging in a hive mind mentality marching people to their doom with a smile the whole time reassuring them everything will be fine, and their fears are unwarranted, just like you are doing. I might add they were Socialists too...

Nice paywalled article btw, very moving. So your argument is that ICE some how poisoned her in the what 90 minutes she was on the bus? They had signed a form she was healthy 90 minutes prior. Your argument is not that she was actually ill and lied, but that ICE come how secretly killed her on that 90 minute bus ride to punish her father for crossing illegally?

Yes, why should the people who put that child in that situation in the first place be responsible right? Oh a humanitarian crisis is it? Well perhaps if retards like you didn't just put out the welcome mat, they wouldn't have the incorrect impression they could just stroll on in now would they? I submit that YOU AND YOUR IDEOLOGY are the humanitarian crisis causing ALL of this.

Activity: 2898
Merit: 1386
December 17, 2018, 11:18:05 AM
The girl was healthy when she arrived, and died in custody.  If you have custody of a child and let them dehydrate, you are killing the child through neglect.....

You don't think they had water when in custody but not before? Your chain of causality is backwards, sideways, any way but right.

Really you are posting things that are incredibly wrong, please stop.
copper member
Activity: 70
Merit: 2
December 17, 2018, 08:40:21 AM
Important to notice all the theatre that goes on at these borders. CNN has been seen setting up protestors and victims to look better on camera. Major magazines like TIME are guilty of this as well.
full member
Activity: 952
Merit: 175
December 17, 2018, 01:37:39 AM

"Undocumented immigrants" is just the humanized version of "illegal immigrants".  The phrases refer to the same people.

You are using the general statistics for "immigrants", including legal immigrants, and claiming that represents illegal immigrants. I don't care if you call them basketballs there is still a difference between legal and illegal immigration.
No I'm not doing what you are saying I'm doing.  Look at the links I posted.  Undocumented immigrants are not "legal immigrants".

" The incarceration rate was 1.53 percent for natives, 0.85 percent for illegal immigrants, and 0.47 percent for legal immigrants (see Figure 1). Illegal immigrants are 44 percent less likely to be incarcerated than natives. Legal immigrants are 69 percent less likely to be incarcerated than natives. Legal and illegal immigrants are underrepresented in the incarcerated population while natives are overrepresented (see Figure 2). If native-born Americans were incarcerated at the same rate as illegal immigrants, about 893,000 fewer natives would be incarcerated. If natives were incarcerated at the same rate as legal immigrants, about 1.4 million fewer natives would be incarcerated."
You should only hold guilt if you feel entitled to the spoils.  We have no reason to feel any guilt just so long as we don't walk around thinking we deserve to be here more than anyone else.  The guilt directed at people who don't think anyone should be allowed to immigrate to the US is NOT misplaced.  Those are the people who feel entitled to keep the spoils that were stolen long ago.

If I feel entitled to a money bag bank robbers dropped out of the getaway car, I'm guilty by association even though I didn't actually rob the bank.  I should not feel entitled to that money.  

There is a lot more to what makes a border and what makes a nation sovereign.  Believe it or not, Norway, Iceland, Lichtenstein, and Switzerland are sovereign nations separate from the EU and anyone can cross into them overland without border checks.   They still have borders and those borders still have all of their meanings.  The nations are still strong, sovereign states.

What fucking spoils? The spoils that were had hundreds of years ago by deceased people? We deserve to be here more than any one else because WE ARE CITIZENS AND WE PAY TAXES AND ABIDE BY THE LAW. By definition, if you come here illegally YOU DO NOT RESPECT THE LAW. Not enforcing borders means by DEFAULT THERE IS NO NATION. No nation can withstand open borders combined with a welfare state, it is IMPOSSIBLE.

I didn't rob anyone to get what I have, I fucking worked for it, and so did the vast majority of Americans who don't want you handing out THEIR SHIT so YOU CAN FEEL BETTER ABOUT YOURSELF, and in the end help no one, but harm many.
The land is the spoils.  Your citizenship and "right to be here over others" is the spoils.    The country itself is the spoils.  Everyone breaks laws which is why I showed you the stat supporting the idea that citizens break laws at a higher rate.   By that logic, citizens do not respect the law either.  Its not whataboutism its just obvious fact that all populations break laws.   How is the substantial list of european countries I listed not nations despite having open borders?  You can type things in caps but can you explain any of this paragraph?

2. And travelers are not terrorists, but we still check people for bombs before they get on a plane. The FACT is that not just drug smugglers, but HUMAN SMUGGLERS hide among "asylum seekers", and they are usually moving children to be prostituted. Why should you care though right? You got to put water out in the desert and feel good about yourself.

3. Those sites are trash. I just used them so you couldn't dismiss them as being "right wing", and show how your own ideology is in conflict with itself constantly. The fact is most women are raped trying to cross illegally, and that doesn't even count the rape resulting from the sex trafficking.

4. So their society is some how more dangerous, but at the same time they will come here and magically they lave their dangerous and criminal habits behind huh? Amazing. You should just change your name to Hegel and get it over with Captain Postmodern.

5. And fuck everyone who already came here legally that is trying to improve their lives right? The fact is without crossing thru a legal port of entry and being processed correctly they are not medically screened and WILL BRING DEADLY PATHOGENS with them.

6. Most 2nd generation immigrants came here legally. Here you go again trying to lump legal law abiding immigrants with criminal illegal immigrants to try to make your unsupportable ideology look better.

7. Nice whataboutisms. It is a COMPLETELY RATIONAL FEAR and the WHOLE REASON things like the TSA exist. It is a fact terrorists and foreign actors are infiltrating our unsecured southern border. All your horse shit red herrings about white men being terrorists is a meaningless distraction from the fact that YOU HAVE NO ARGUMENTS. All you have is feelings, theories, and moralizing like a modern day puritan.
2. I don't like the status quo.  Smugglers are going to smuggle in the current situation because we have created a market.  I want the assylum seekers to be able to come in legally through a normal border entry.  I don't want them to have to run and hid and sneak like they do now. I don't want them to need to use smugglers. 

3. Again, please tell me where I am in conflict with myself?  I want them to be able to come walk in through a port of entry.  It is the current system that forces them to sneak via coyotes and be subjected to rape. 

4.  You have a total misunderstanding of what a refugee is and perhaps this stems from your generalization of entire countries.  It is very bad logic to say

a. there are a lot of criminals in central america
b. the refugees are coming from central america
c. therefore, the refugees are criminals   

It seems so simple to me that I don't even know how to explain to you how flawed your transition from a+b (facts) to c (fiction) is so I will just explain to you what refugees are. 

 Refugees are the people who FLEE violence and crime.  The people who are benefiting from the crime have no reason to go elsewhere.  Thats not to say that no refugees will ever commit crime because they are obviously just regular people and not perfect. 

5. I am all for screening but we clearly have to let them come through ports.  I don't want illegal immigration.  I want to legalize this immigration so that it can be done in a safe, effective way. 

6. 2nd generation immigrants didn't "come here", they were born here.  Everyone born here is a citizen.  There is no such thing as "illegal 2nd generation immigrants" so there is nothing to lump. 

I have spent a lot of time this week helping with water drops along the border in the Arizona/California desert.   There has been a really good showing and pouring in support from all of the country.  The problem is the CBP and DHS are actively destroying water drops because they hate human life.  

Its unimaginable that they killed a 7 year old girl to punish her parents from coming here.  They made an example out of this innocent child just to send an example to anyone else who might want to bring their kid out of imminent danger.  

It is hard to go on with the good work knowing the level of power and evil we are up against.  This country is already systemically predisposed to human rights violations and being controlled by an egotistical figure and the population has no moral compass.  Where can we find hope?

Yes, what is important is that you can tell yourself you are doing good, regardless of how much pain and destruction it causes. As long as you feel like you are the good guy, that is what is most important, and anyone else who disagrees with you wants to genocide brown people.

Yes, it is not the fault of the psychos bringing children into a fucking desert on foot, no, I.C.E. killed her to "punish them" for crossing. You are fucking out of your mind, really you belong in a padded room.

I'm not a "good guy" because I am unwilling to do anything that isn't easy or convenient but I'm not quite a "bad guy" either.  I am complicit in the murders just like most american citizens.  The only real "good guys" are the ones willing to put their privilege on the line to fight against the oppressors and for the oppressed.  We lack these type of heroes which is why we have such an ugly world. 

The last holocaust happened because well intended people weren't willing to risk their own safety speaking out against/fighting the nazis.
The girl was healthy when she arrived, and died in custody.  If you have custody of a child and let them dehydrate, you are killing the child through neglect.  Not providing proper training, eyes, and ears is systematic neglect.  These people we have handling children are not trained in childcare.  They don't have social workers or child psychologists on the ground either.  They are basically just cops handling everyone like prisoners.  Its a humanitarian crisis.
Activity: 2898
Merit: 1386
December 16, 2018, 10:56:04 PM
Yes, what is important is that you can tell yourself you are doing good, regardless of how much pain and destruction it causes. As long as you feel like you are the good guy, that is what is most important, and anyone else who disagrees with you wants to genocide brown people.

Yes, it is not the fault of the psychos bringing children into a fucking desert on foot, no, ice killed her to "punish them" for crossing. You are fucking out of your mind, really you belong in a padded room.

Some know the desert and how to survive in it. The Tejas Indians 500 years ago, from their hiding spots watched the Spanish explorers one by one fall from thirst and die.

Let's see....maybe an iPad with survival database, and a solar charger would have helped the illegals?


iPads with terabytes of information to help them change their home countries....
Activity: 3318
Merit: 1958
First Exclusion Ever
December 16, 2018, 07:29:21 PM
Activity: 2898
Merit: 1386
December 16, 2018, 09:42:43 AM
.....Its unimaginable that they killed a 7 year old girl to punish her parents from coming here.  ...

Your lying really has no boundaries, does it?

There’s a small Border Patrol operating base near where the group was found with food, water and bathrooms, but no medical help. The father completed the intake form, and the agents speak Spanish, but it’s possible that he spoke a Mayan dialect.

The migrants were bused from the area to Lordsburg in two groups, including about 50 minors without parents in the first group, officials said. The girl and her father didn’t start the 90-mile journey until about 4:30 a.m., when the bus returned.

The father said the girl was vomiting on the bus. When they arrived to the Border Patrol station in Lordsburg at about 6:30 a.m. Dec. 7, she was not breathing, officials said. Emergency medical technicians discovered the girl’s fever was 105.7 degrees Fahrenheit (40.9 degrees Celsius), and she was airlifted to a hospital. She died shortly after midnight on Dec. 8.
full member
Activity: 952
Merit: 175
December 16, 2018, 01:05:49 AM
I have spent a lot of time this week helping with water drops along the border in the Arizona/California desert.   There has been a really good showing and pouring in support from all of the country.  The problem is the CBP and DHS are actively destroying water drops because they hate human life.   

Its unimaginable that they killed a 7 year old girl to punish her parents from coming here.  They made an example out of this innocent child just to send an example to anyone else who might want to bring their kid out of imminent danger. 

It is hard to go on with the good work knowing the level of power and evil we are up against.  This country is already systemically predisposed to human rights violations and being controlled by an egotistical figure and the population has no moral compass.  Where can we find hope?
full member
Activity: 952
Merit: 175
December 05, 2018, 08:51:26 PM
Activity: 3318
Merit: 1958
First Exclusion Ever
December 05, 2018, 02:12:18 PM
Activity: 2898
Merit: 1386
December 05, 2018, 02:28:14 AM
.....The southern border isn't going to make it onto any "how terrorist attacks happen" list.  ....

Actually it's been on that list for good reason for a long time.

But on a more important subject, don't you need to get progressive? Get with the latest on being progressive? I know the positions are changing all the time and it's hard to keep up....
full member
Activity: 952
Merit: 175
December 05, 2018, 12:54:12 AM
Activity: 3318
Merit: 1958
First Exclusion Ever
December 04, 2018, 04:59:02 PM

I however explained all of my positions in detail, and explained why your positions are dangerous. I haven't answered your questions because they are retarded nonsense loaded questions. If you want to rephrase them in a less presumptuous way I would be happy to answer.
You haven't explained when borders started being recognized.  You said that they are an ancient thing and you said they should always be respected but you won't answer this question because it is retarded.  It is retarded because it paints you into a crossroads of hypocrisy and capitulation.  You don't believe what you actually typed.  You don't think we should recognize the sovereignty of native lands because it would be contrary to your goal.  There is no way you can be consistent on this topic so its better to just not answer questions.

Yeah because that was the retarded Postmodernist mind mush loaded question I was talking about. Can't defend getting rid of borders? Hey lets have a philosophical conversation about the concept and history of borders so we can avoid talking about all the resulting rapes, murders, and stress on public resources created by not enforcing it. I said the concept was ancient, not that "ancient borders should always be respected". Good attempt at word salad spin though!

"...paints you into a crossroads of hypocrisy and capitulation."

BWAHAHAHAA. Ok captain Postmodern. Hey here is a question for you. Can you show me a border not created by blood and conquest? Again you completely rely on relativism and some kind of pathetic play on some kind of misplaced guilt people have for displaced the natives, or beating back Mexico in war. They weren't nice people. They didn't live in a nice time.

That was how shit was done everywhere. Frankly you trying to exploit this to create a sense of guilt today is completely nonsensical because it would equally apply to any nation. I guess nations shouldn't exist any more either right? You'd love it if we had just one big Communist global government wouldn't you?

I'm not making any choices about the people already here.  You are the only one trying to make choices for what people should do.  I am making passive choices for the migrants but suggesting they be allowed to go where they need to go.   Once again, you demand the freedom to control other people and that is just not freedom.  Not allowing you to control other people does not mean I am making choices for you.

This topic boils down authority vs liberty once again.  I think people should be free to choose where they feel safe and you think you have a right to make choices for other people and send thousands of people back into a dangerous area where they clearly do not want to be.   I have no idea why you are trying to project your ideals onto me.  

Their lives are not more important than ours and that is a false dichotomy.  Its not "us or them".  We are fine.  I'm not sure why you are so scared of immigrants.  Have you ever met people from these places?

Also, you have the economics wrong.  I think its because you have an idea that we will be building programs and cities from the ground up for these people but the programs already exists.  The space already exists.  They will just be filling it.   "Whatever costs immigrants might present now will be "paid back" by overall economic growth that will lead to more tax revenue on average for the government and less demand for need-based benefit programs. "  

This isn't about the cartels.  The cartels have resources and already been crossing the border back and forth at will.  These people are coming to escape criminal activity.  

Uh, no. It is a law, a law passed by the representatives voted on by the people of this nation. They decided they wanted a border and wanted it enforced. I am not telling anyone anything except obey this law because it exists for good reason.

You are ABSOLUTELY making choices for the people of the United States. You are not only facilitating theft of their tax resources in the form of all the free healthcare, schooling, food benefits, etc, but putting the people at risk in various physical ways as well. Lets go over some of the risks of not enforcing the border between the US and Mexico.

1. Criminals. It is a fact there is more crime in Mexico, that means more criminals coming over the border and continuing their criminal ways here.

2. Drugs. Drugs like Fentanyl, which is so strong a piece the size of a grain of sand can kill you come across the border all the time in quantities large enough to kill millions.

3. Rape. Rape is much more common in Mexico than it is int he US. So much so to the point that women crossing over illegally in the hands of coyotes just EXPECT to be raped as part of the process. Then those rapists get here and keep raping.

4. Murder. Violence and murder are much more prevalent in Mexico than in the US. The murderers there come here and bring that mentality with them.

5. Disease. Communicable diseases are MUCH more prevalent in Mexico than in the US. Due to poor infrastructure, sanitation, and healthcare, serious diseases are much more rampant. Without proper screening those diseases come here and spread.

6. Theft of resources. In a lot of places school systems are completely over capacity and can barely keep up as property taxes rise to meet this increasing demand all as a direct result of illegal migrant children filling our schools. People are literally being stripped of their homes to pay for their education. This is just one example that can be multiplied across every entitlement program or public service the government offers, even voting!

7. Terrorism. What is the point of having the TSA fondle your balls at the airport if terrorists can just flood in thru Mexico?

There are so many more but these are just some of the basics. I look forward to your accusations of racism and heartlessness as you advocate the victimization of the people of the US in favor of hordes of migrants looking for handouts.

It is absolutely us or them. Much like your ideas of Socialism you imagine that resources are some how magically finite and we can just magically make it work. My economics are in line with reality, your economics are more in line with Huge Chavez, and it will have similar results. What about all the immigrants that worked so hard to get here legally? I guess fuck them too right?

The cartels come and go as they please as a DIRECT RESULT of the border not begin secured. They don't just traffic drugs either, they also traffic women and children for prostitution.

Here are some breakdowns of the economics which I am sure you will promptly ignore or rationalize away, but for everyone else....

In summary your "they are adding to the economy" spiel is a delusion and simply superficial cover for your new Postmodernist Marxist shit hole formerly known as the USA.
full member
Activity: 952
Merit: 175
December 04, 2018, 02:02:23 PM

I however explained all of my positions in detail, and explained why your positions are dangerous. I haven't answered your questions because they are retarded nonsense loaded questions. If you want to rephrase them in a less presumptuous way I would be happy to answer.
You haven't explained when borders started being recognized.  You said that they are an ancient thing and you said they should always be respected but you won't answer this question because it is retarded.  It is retarded because it paints you into a crossroads of hypocrisy and capitulation.  You don't believe what you actually typed.  You don't think we should recognize the sovereignty of native lands because it would be contrary to your goal.  There is no way you can be consistent on this topic so its better to just not answer questions.

No I am actually arguing for the opposite of what you stated in bold.   Not only am I against funding a wall that would jeopardize the safety of these people, I am actually advocating for the abolishment of ICE which would save a lot of money.  It seems you are the one arguing we spend money to send these people back to very dangerous conditions.

It is irrelevant what you are arguing for, this will be the result. I could argue that jumping in a vat of radioactive waste will give you super powers, but if you do it you will likely just get super cancer.

Again, oh how magnanimous and generous you are! How big of you to use other peoples tax dollars to fund entitlement programs for these people! So generous!
What about the safety of the people ALREADY HERE? YOU DON'T GET TO CHOOSE FOR EVERYONE. All you are doing is handing out OTHER PEOPLES RESOURCES AND SAFETY so you can alleviate your own self loathing and guilt and feel like you are contributing. That is not generosity or kindness, that is malignant narcissism.

Getting rid of ICE will not save money because of the flood of people resulting from your retarded ideas that will then be sucking off the tit of the state. Then there is the question of terrorist infiltration using the open border, as well as gang, cartel, and other criminal activity. All of these things cost THIS NATION, not just money but LIVES. Who the fuck are you to decide their lives are more important than ours?

I'm not making any choices about the people already here.  You are the only one trying to make choices for what people should do.  I am making passive choices for the migrants but suggesting they be allowed to go where they need to go.   Once again, you demand the freedom to control other people and that is just not freedom.  Not allowing you to control other people does not mean I am making choices for you.

This topic boils down authority vs liberty once again.  I think people should be free to choose where they feel safe and you think you have a right to make choices for other people and send thousands of people back into a dangerous area where they clearly do not want to be.   I have no idea why you are trying to project your ideals onto me.  

Their lives are not more important than ours and that is a false dichotomy.  Its not "us or them".  We are fine.  I'm not sure why you are so scared of immigrants.  Have you ever met people from these places?

Also, you have the economics wrong.  I think its because you have an idea that we will be building programs and cities from the ground up for these people but the programs already exists.  The space already exists.  They will just be filling it.   "Whatever costs immigrants might present now will be "paid back" by overall economic growth that will lead to more tax revenue on average for the government and less demand for need-based benefit programs. "  

This isn't about the cartels.  The cartels have resources and already been crossing the border back and forth at will.  These people are coming to escape criminal activity.  
Activity: 2898
Merit: 1386
December 03, 2018, 08:31:52 PM
Only, I suspect, because Hillary's cell is looking like it might have a full house.

Let's see;

Ivaka, Jared, donald, donald jr, cohen, manafort.. who else is gonna join in that jail cell? Hopefully the whole swamp Roll Eyes

No, we'll keep Hillary's jail cell for the pussies....and the communists....
Activity: 3318
Merit: 1958
First Exclusion Ever
December 04, 2018, 05:33:42 AM
The problem is not with classifying things but classifying things without any reasoning.  You just say everything is postmodernist (maybe it is?) but you give no reasoning for how its postmodernist or what is wrong with it in the particular context.  You say I contradict myself all the time but instead of pointing out the contradictions, you just say its "straight outta critical theory" and leave it at that.

And maybe you don't want to break down my positions.  Thats fine.  You still haven't answered any of my questions about your position in this thread.

"reasoning", as you define it is EXTREMELY subjective. You call it "reason" I call it "rationalization" and "sophistry". I don't say everything is Postmodernist. If you are tired of hearing me call you Postmodernist, stop spouting the tenets of Critical Theory constantly. I JUST EXPLAINED the meaning of this (AGAIN). I am very sorry your confirmation bias is so dominant you can't even retain words that cause cognitive dissonance, but the fact is I did explain it, why it is bad, and how you are doing it.
Trying to explain contradictions in the though of Communists TO Communists is about as effective as using logic to explain to a child why there is no monster under their bed. The best you can do is tell them there is no monster and move on. In your case if I explained to you every contradiction you made of yourself I would have time for nothing else, and you STILL would use your Postmodernist mind mush to excuse it away anyway. It is a bit like telling an alcoholic why it is bad to drink. Not going to do much.

I however explained all of my positions in detail, and explained why your positions are dangerous. I haven't answered your questions because they are retarded nonsense loaded questions. If you want to rephrase them in a less presumptuous way I would be happy to answer.

No I am actually arguing for the opposite of what you stated in bold.   Not only am I against funding a wall that would jeopardize the safety of these people, I am actually advocating for the abolishment of ICE which would save a lot of money.  It seems you are the one arguing we spend money to send these people back to very dangerous conditions.

It is irrelevant what you are arguing for, this will be the result. I could argue that jumping in a vat of radioactive waste will give you super powers, but if you do it you will likely just get super cancer.

Again, oh how magnanimous and generous you are! How big of you to use other peoples tax dollars to fund entitlement programs for these people! So generous!
What about the safety of the people ALREADY HERE? YOU DON'T GET TO CHOOSE FOR EVERYONE. All you are doing is handing out OTHER PEOPLES RESOURCES AND SAFETY so you can alleviate your own self loathing and guilt and feel like you are contributing. That is not generosity or kindness, that is malignant narcissism.

Getting rid of ICE will not save money because of the flood of people resulting from your retarded ideas that will then be sucking off the tit of the state. Then there is the question of terrorist infiltration using the open border, as well as gang, cartel, and other criminal activity. All of these things cost THIS NATION, not just money but LIVES. Who the fuck are you to decide their lives are more important than ours?

full member
Activity: 574
Merit: 152
December 03, 2018, 06:10:34 PM
Only, I suspect, because Hillary's cell is looking like it might have a full house.

Let's see;

Ivaka, Jared, donald, donald jr, cohen, manafort.. who else is gonna join in that jail cell? Hopefully the whole swamp Roll Eyes
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