here's a chat log that happened between GF and dev:
original link: [6/21/14, 1:33:09 PM] Pocket: Pocket added Koontas to this conversation
[6/21/14, 1:34:06 PM] Koontas: (wave) the perks of being a GF member...
[6/21/14, 2:01:04 PM] wallaceliu007: welcome back lajz99
[6/21/14, 2:01:23 PM] Koontas: (wave)
[6/21/14, 2:16:49 PM] godzirra: Koontas why are you airing that dirty laundry on the forum?
[6/21/14, 2:17:21 PM] Pocket: do you have proof?
[6/21/14, 2:18:02 PM] godzirra: Can you take it down and discuss it here?
[6/21/14, 2:19:58 PM] Koontas: Pocket would you like to see proof?
[6/21/14, 2:20:05 PM] Koontas: Scroll up.
[6/21/14, 2:20:23 PM] Koontas: And read the board chat. Barwizi admitted to dumping 130k NRS that chocobo called him out on.
[6/21/14, 2:20:27 PM] Pocket: how do you know that's from the gen fund premine?
[6/21/14, 2:21:14 PM] Koontas: Pocket, have you EVER seen any evidence of what is held for the GF from the premine?
[6/21/14, 2:21:51 PM] Pocket: no, but bar has been making a list of expenditures
[6/21/14, 2:21:53 PM] Pocket: from it
[6/21/14, 2:22:02 PM] Koontas: That is an outright lie Pocket.
[6/21/14, 2:22:08 PM] Koontas: Expenditures for what?!?!
[6/21/14, 2:22:15 PM] Pocket: dev and giveaways and such
[6/21/14, 2:22:20 PM] Koontas: HAHAHAHA
[6/21/14, 2:22:24 PM] Koontas: you are so blind pocket
[6/21/14, 2:22:32 PM] Koontas: if you'd like me to post evidence here I certainly can...
[6/21/14, 2:22:52 PM] Pocket: well, i am mostly going by what I've been given, bar will explain himself
[6/21/14, 2:22:59 PM] Koontas: Sure he will Pocket.
[6/21/14, 2:23:04 PM] Pocket: and if he doesn't, then he doesnt
[6/21/14, 2:23:16 PM] Koontas: Logan, tell us about the NG GF much NRS is there and how much BTC?
[6/21/14, 2:23:56 PM] Koontas: Pocket, you keep working for free...
[6/21/14, 2:24:01 PM] Pocket: point is, i don't have proof either way
[6/21/14, 2:24:14 PM] Pocket: i support NRS because there aren't many other coins with similar design
[6/21/14, 2:24:28 PM] Barwizi: while we wait for that, in the first group that we migrated here, koontas you were witness to my efforts to fix the windows mining, that alone was close to 8 builds, each at a thousand NRS
[6/21/14, 2:24:44 PM] Barwizi: with varying results
[6/21/14, 2:25:07 PM] Koontas: [6/18/14, 1:48:45 PM] Koontas: Just saying putting 130k NRS for sale does not help the price...
[6/18/14, 1:49:00 PM] Barwizi: just how long do you think it took to sell it?
[6/18/14, 1:49:31 PM] Koontas: That's not the point. The point is that you were constantly placing sell orders which drives the price down...
[6/18/14, 1:49:40 PM] Koontas: And right now, we have NOTHING to help the price...
[6/18/14, 1:49:42 PM] Barwizi: you are running off on your own tangent, let me remind you there was a point when that was the daily volume
[6/18/14, 1:49:51 PM] Koontas: there is no volume.
[6/18/14, 1:50:03 PM] Barwizi: for nearly two weeks
[6/18/14, 1:50:05 PM] Koontas: there's little to no interest right now, most orders are sell orders...
[6/18/14, 1:50:26 PM] Barwizi: Koontas, is my job to maintain volume?
[6/18/14, 1:50:27 PM] Koontas: I've been asking for something to help NRS for ages now...and we come up with a project that has nothign to do with NRS?
[6/21/14, 2:25:19 PM] Koontas: See the first 4 lines.
[6/21/14, 2:25:51 PM] Koontas: So yea Barwizi, you admitted to selling 130k NRS.
[6/21/14, 2:26:11 PM] Koontas: and then you try to justify it...
[6/21/14, 2:26:26 PM] Barwizi: I have my own NRS and considering the sheer amount me, chocobo and james bought you have very little to go on
[6/21/14, 2:26:36 PM] Koontas: hahahaha you're so full of shit
[6/21/14, 2:26:44 PM] Koontas: tell me, what does the NG GF have in savings?
[6/21/14, 2:26:55 PM] Koontas: i'd like to see both the NRS and BTC addresses
[6/21/14, 2:27:12 PM] Barwizi: at one point i held more than 30% of total supply, and most of it was bought on polo
[6/21/14, 2:27:22 PM] Koontas: so, where is the premine?
[6/21/14, 2:27:34 PM] Koontas: I never saw any giveaways...
[6/21/14, 2:27:42 PM] Koontas: lord knows pocket couldn't coordinate one...
[6/21/14, 2:28:04 PM] Barwizi: you left the group, dumped your NRS then after seeing the price rise , you are bitter and here to muddy up the water
[6/21/14, 2:28:14 PM] Barwizi: go be bitter somewhere else
[6/21/14, 2:28:18 PM] Koontas: hahaha I am a general fund holder I remembered, I have the right to be here
[6/21/14, 2:28:28 PM] Koontas: Barwizi you are pulling one over on these kids that don't know better...
[6/21/14, 2:28:57 PM] Koontas: You are taking advantage of everyone for your own benefit.
[6/21/14, 2:29:05 PM] Koontas: ie. 2th/s of miners that we've never seen funds from...
[6/21/14, 2:29:41 PM] Koontas: You asked me to delete my post and discuss here, so I did, and here we are...
[6/21/14, 2:30:07 PM] Barwizi: seeing as how there arent any kids as far as i know, i think you are the kid and i wont dignify your attitude any further by responding
[6/21/14, 2:30:23 PM] Koontas: Okay, and I will not be silent.
[6/21/14, 2:30:36 PM] Barwizi: i'm sure the CFO would indulge your question
[6/21/14, 2:30:53 PM] Koontas: Would he? He doesn't know shit either...cause you don't make it known.
[6/21/14, 2:31:10 PM] Koontas: You've been hiding the financial information for months, that is a fact.
[6/21/14, 2:31:36 PM] Koontas: Usually people refuse to respond when they're I wrong?
there you go, for everyone's enjoyment