advertising: "Get Monaco and start using MCO today.""Ready to start saving?" Why write that? Monaco was suppose to be cool."Save 5-8% on exchanges", Clearly BitPay already has a good rate compared to Monaco's fees."Keep an eye on your money and your spending, live." This is exactly what ever other company does well. Pointless advertising, Monaco Team should pay attention to what does to improve."Instant Help
Whenever you need us, we're here to help: 24/7 in-app chat support - as easy as texting a friend." Clearly someone just said they do not answer nor provide 24/7 support.
"Monaco has a very small quantity of Obsidian Black cards on hand from the original 999 pool and is making those available for contributors who decide to hold 50,000 MCO for 6 months – if you missed out on one during the token sales, this is your last chance to get one."
You cannot get Black card without holding 50,000 MCO for 6 months. Issuing 999 black cards for which there is no supply of coins to obtain black cards. Rewards are not worth the investment. Offer unlimited ATM withdraws and unlimited spending limits per day and everyone will stake $500K for 6 months to get this card.