4) Monaco Platinum cards will only be available to MCO token holders, who purchase 50 MCO (Ruby Steel card), 500 MCO (Space Gray, Rose Gold cards) and 50,000 MCO (Limited Edition Obsidian Black card) respectively; MCO tokens will be held for a 6 months period, after which users can deposit their tokens back into their Monaco account and continue to use their card fee-free, no strings attached
Do you know what banks do with money when you are not using them? LOAN THEM.... Fucking morons.
Hello... We are on this side of the screen.
This is tech company, not a bank, lol. Keep posting your fud, please...
Tech company, Bank, People are People.
Don't forget who made who president of United States. Cough Cough...
But Crypto Moons are like Diamonds and Gold, haha. Wait a second. Diamonds and Gold will be worthless one day. Ahh hell..
Worthless - At lesser value, not without value.
No point to live anymore...
Ex-supporter turned to FUDster for the sake of getting it for cheaper MCO
Seem like you succeed
Congratulation !
Everyone, ignore this fellow
Check his previous posts
Roughly a week ago, he was supporting MCO every single movement and now he is criticizing them .