You can't get any cards right now. You can go in the queue to get a card at a later date that hasn't been announced that depends on which country you're in. Yay!
What is the timeline for card release? Is there any expected date for that to happen, not able to monitor their update close but I'm expecting
the card was already release by now.
Many people are hoping they'll announce more detail during Money2020, which is happening now and they are sponsoring.
They have announced 'beta testing' of the app and cards, plus a few additional products in the pipeline (like a credit products).
There has been a general commitment to have cards out to the broader public in 2018, but honestly early indications were that it would happen in Q1 2018, but obviously that hasn't happened and instead we're in beta testing.
So in answer to your question - not sure when we'll see cards in the open but I hope mid 2018.