Well I keep getting my posts deleted in the BTC speculation tread on BTC difficulty.
So to give a better explanation on Difficulty ratios and price ratios I will do it here.
All of the below are facts:
1)there is a 3300 watt btc miner the s19pro
2)there is a 3300 watt asic miner the Linzhi
3) 3300 watts is 80 kwatts a day 4 usd at 5 power cost
4) the s19pro makes 110 x $0.3461 = $38.07 minus 80 kwatts of power say 5 cents thus 38.07 - 4.00 = $34.07 profit
5) the linzhi makes 2700 x $0.0988 = $ 266.76 minus the same 4 usd in power = $262.76 profit
6) Bitmain has built the s19pro
7) Bitmain has built asic mining eth machines.
Bitmain has landed 3 huge deals for cloud mining this year.
9) Eth diff rate is fairly stable since coal and power was restricted in China
10) BTC diff rate has tanks by over 20% since coal and power was restricted in China
Next is not a certain fact. It is a conclusion based on the 10 facts above.
Bitmain has excess gear in the cloud mines
it has 20% extra s19s
It has 20% extra eth machines
now faced with a lack of power what machines get turn off and what machines get turned on.
They shut down 20% of their btc gear
they turn on 20% of their eth gear
that auto vert the excess eth into btc to pay the btc cloud people and they cut their power bigly.