Fee is 1Nxt and the longest lease is 32767 blocks
See here for how I know
Thanks! Wow, 1 NXT is a bit expensive for a guy with a small stake. I hope that comes down after fractional NXT comes in.
Also, what is the situation with chinese exchanges like bter? Are they at risk of closing soon due to problems with chinese regulations. Did those rumours about warnings from the BOC to chinese banks dealing with crypto exchanges, did they come to pass? I can't find a reliable answer one way or the other. Is dgex the better option at the moment?
Welcome to the forum and to this thread, CryptoSporidium. Some have worried about Bter running into the kind of trouble you mention. My take is that most of the rumors in China have been about exchanges dealing in fiat-to-crypto transactions, and since Bter doesn't trade fiat it shouldn't be affected. Still, new regulations (or rumors of regulations) could emerge at any time. There's always risk in the crytpo world! I've been using Bter to buy my Nxt for awhile, and haven't had any problems with them. If you'd rather not use a Chinese exchange, Cryptsy is another decent option. Withdrawals tend to take about 24-48 hours with them (vs. usually less than an hour with Bter), but they eventually go through.