The problem with premining isn't an issue of fairness, but of market stability. When an early adopter gets rich quick off a coin, and most of his net worth is concentrated in an extremely volatile asset. It serves his best interests to dump his coins, but no one knows when. Even the holder himself might not be able to predict when he needs money in a hurry. Thus the price depends upon the whims of a few isolated individuals whom no one else knows. This problem of concentration can be mitigated only with a long accumulation curve over time.
--- unless you manage to do it in such a way as to distribute it *WIDELY* right from the start. Seriously, like to at least tens of thousands of people. Way more than you could ever get to answer a thread on this forum.
I agree. This is something I didn't consider. Do you have any ideas on how that can be done without a few people gaming the system?