I have a proposal for Real World marketing purposes and have written an outline with costs here;
Proposal brief:
Informative postcards to be handed out at conventions and other crypto gatherings, with bullet point NXT features, an easy to follow URL containing more details, a walk through to install the latest NXT client with hash sum, and most importantly a secure, redeemable code to instantly obtain a "premium amount" of coins, ie 20NXT
The marketing project will be open to all interested parties who wish to apply for and distribute cards at their event. Cards will be customized with date and location, and shipped at no cost to them.
Sign up data will be saved and reported upon, analyzing interest per event, and promotion efforts.
I am currently looking for partners to handle:
Web and Database Programming
European and Asian Translations
European and Asian Distribution
Thanks and looking forward to your replies!
Great idea! I can help with german translation.