Within a month, client software will be ready, large scale marketing will require some time. If there was a marketing budget, better plans could be made as to how to allocate it. I think most all agree that NXT needs some significant increase in the number of NXT users. This requires marketing and sales. With user friendly clients, we can go to the mass market.
The first question is how much to allocate to marketing. Once we know this, we can work to allocate to the different marketing programs. I strongly believe in pay for performance marketing. A website nobody goes to has little value, even if it has a lot of good info. A confusing badly made website, still has value if it brings in NXT'ers.
We define a performance metric for marketing. We set a NXT value to that. We roll out massive pay for performance marketing plan. 100 BTC worth of pay for performance marketing is possible. That would make it the largest ever and become news worthy in and of itself.
James, with all due respect and appreciation for your contributions to this project,
I think that is just a terrible idea. This is open-source, non-commercial, non-proprietary software. Nxt would be the first example of this type of software going on a paid advertising blitz. Linux didn't advertise. Bittorrent didn't advertise. Bitcoin and Litecoin didn't advertise. This is the sort of project that has to survive and thrive on its own merits, not on its marketing reach.
Online advertising has been the focus of my working life for the last 12+ years and I spend very big on it every month, but it is not a fit for Nxt. I beg you to reconsider this strategy. Our efforts should be focused on infrastructure, functionality, and support. We can't shove Nxt down people's throats like we can with other products and services. It just won't work.
In my experience, whenever there is a crowded market, marketing and advertising is required to achieve top positions. How many alternatives are there to NXT? I am talking about from a non-technical end user's standpoint. As far as they are concerned, NXT is one of 100+ altcoins. With the strong bias against proof of stake coins, do you really think that NXT will achieve its full potential without marketing or advertising?
Please name me a single product in a crowded market that rose above all the others without marketing and sales.
Ripple is getting placements in top rated TV shows. Apple got placements in dozens of movies. I am not talking about any "shove", just a way to get on thousands of websites and getting value for money spent.
From what I can tell, by April NXT will have a ton of technology, but at the current rate of getting new accounts (~200/day) it will take a long time to get to 100,000 NXT'ers.
What is wrong about speeding that up? The first proof of stake coin that gets to 100,000 users and 10,000 websites will benefit from the network effect and nothing else would ever be able to catch up.