Are you saying that if we got 2000 extra people purchasing $50,000 a day of NXT, that won't help NXT? I am very confused.
It will help create a Ponzi scheme.
Real strength is in something tangible, i.e. technological advancements and created products/services, where
you can actually use NXT.
Simply tricking people to spend money to buy these, mostly useless, "shares" is not enough.
Marketing and promotions are important, but not 7 out of 9 millions! It should be something like a third or 25%.
I must not be communicating clearly.
Where do I suggest that we trick people? Where do I suggest we sell "shares"
I am suggesting we make a page oriented toward getting someone on the fence about NXT to taking the $25 (or more) plunge to purchase actual NXT. I am not talking about tricking, but using the truth about NXT to get someone to buy actual NXT.
I did not suggest 7 million NXT for advertising and advertising shouldn't be all of a marketing budget, but it needs to be some part of the marketing budget. 3 million NXT for advertising sounds about right.
The marketing and PR gets people interested and curious, but why not have an advertising page that converts 10% of the interested people to actual purchase NXT and get invested, instead of the current conversion rate, which I estimate to be less than 1%.
I am talking about increasing tenfold the number of people that we are getting interested in NXT actually becoming a stakeholder.
No tricks. No shares, actual NXT, actual stakeholders.
We are working so hard on the tech and getting PR, but there is no streamlined path to convert the interested person.
It is like optimizing software. Why not spend a little effort and make it go ten times faster? Why not spend some resources on converting 10 times more people from the same stream of interested people and of course add to that stream of interested people. 3 million NXT compared to whatever amount we have already spent on dev is a pretty small percentage.