Just want to throw something in the discussion.
Now that AM is here and other functions like voting are coming clients are being made (even the very basic ones), wouldn't it be a good idea to lower fees on that rather quickly?
I feel that adoption of Nxt will be far better served by use than by lower prices of Nxt so people can get thousands and thousands.
The value of anything is determined by it's usefulness anyway.
So, if for instance, if AM would cost 0,01 Nxt for a message, even someone with one Nxt from the faucet would be able to get some actual use out of his Nxt (100 messages for FREE, WOO!
Also, we might be seeing transactions go up, although I see that with the current block creation times, that may also create irritation at this moment?
My main point however is to look to fee lowering as a way to throw Nxt more open in the future instead of the market price. The fees are what determine how much use you can get out of one Nxt, thus determining the value of that Nxt?
Good idea of just plain idiocy?