Could you maybe write a short explanation, just what it is and what it can be used for? So I have somthing to link people to?
Alias System is like decentralized DNS but, unlike DNS, Alias System can link names to any URI - website, phone number, email, bitcoin address, location, anything. Alias System is included into version 0.4.0 and will be activated at block 22000. Nodes that don't upgrade to 0.4.0 won't be able to validate blocks containing AS-transactions.
To assign an alias someone should open
https://localhost:7875/alias.html, fill the fields and hit OK.
Aliases may contain only digits and case-insensitive latin letters. Currently it's impossible to transfer aliases to other accounts, but owner of the account can reassign an alias to any URI at any time. Alias is considered tied to an account after the 1st confirmation of the AS-transaction. NRS picks transactions with higher fees in the 1st place (actually fee/size ratio is used).
The most valuable aliases (like "nxt", "sex" and "batman") r waiting for that lucky guy/gal who will become a billionaire after squatting and reselling them...