if we are changing the fees from 1 NXT drastically to 0.01 NXT when transactions are few right now, isn't it a security concern since people will stop running nodes since there is little incentive to it?
I would continue to run a node just protect my investment and to be a good member of the NXT community even if there was no chance of increasing my NXT. I have close to 70K NXT and have been forging since the first of the year and have generated 3 blocks - each of them for 0 NXT.
This guy is the ideal Nxt citizen. Although I can hardly believe anybody is forging right now to make nxt money, the fees are more about preventing
spamming. Its a tricky balance we are faced with especially at this early stage. We anticipate a robust nxt economy where hundreds or thousands
of businesses are dependent on the nxt network with our 1000 tps. When that day comes fees will not need to be so high yet forging will still be
profitable due to the constant influx of transactions. However at this point its like a ghost town in comparison so 1 nxt fee is still necessary.
That is why right now it is very important for everyone to support nxt not to get fees but to keep the network alive and well until that day comes.
I think I will cry when that day comes. No, not because all the community's hard work will have been paid off. No, not because BCNext's vision
of a new economy and less reliance on government control will be here. Not because there will be a Nxt Bible published filled with CFB's
mysterious riddles divided into chapters and Psalms. Not because of any of that. But because we will all be rich
It seems to me that the best solution to this chicken and egg problem is to gradually decrease the forging fee overtime based on the number of overall transactions in the network. kind of a sliding scale that will automatically kick in when the network averages an X number of transactions over a Y period. if transactions go down the number will increase back to the previous scale and so on and so forth. This way, when the network is large and not dependent on such fluctuations but on other economical and ideological incentives, fees will be low. If traffic and network participants slow down incentives will increase back until an equilibrium is reached. A gradual mechanism towards the ideal goal is better then radical shifts in the model.