NxtMarketing account news- NxtMarketing acc accepts all donations for paying bounties:
2037401990853753795- all info about paid bounties:
https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AgAGADgnQcrtdHRrV3V3Z1lzOXVEMWtqdElUaEtqV1E#gid=15Hello friends,
Finally I am not too busy by Berlin conf and by writing about Decentralized Nxt, which is in proofreading process, so we could make some bounties moves
I started with conferences, but there I am waiting for Niftys reply and Bitventurer's confirmation, since he gave me an unused Nxt account. Conf sheet is next to the marketing sheet. The money for conferences are from unclaimed coins.
NxtMarketing funds:- if I don't count Lets talk Bitcoin ad, there were 2 big donations to NxtMarketing funds: 250k by come-from-beyond and neer.g. Klee also donated 20k, but something went straight to allwelder (escort). I added some more info about other payments on account 2037401990853753795 to the left down corner of the sheet, so the guys who didn't read this topic from the beginning would see, why there were 100k before establishing of NxtMarketing fund by CFB's donation and why there were sent away then. + some escorts.
So the new bounties. Anyone can comment them, I think it is fair to use published tables to support all nexters. But anyone can make a mistake or forget someone... There is a new support for graphic designs and for maintaining important sites to support QTBC or our 3D designs.
Big original article / published at famous Magazine 3000
Small original article 500
Big Translation top5 languages 1000
Other translations 500
Original Website 1000/500
Small Tournament 1500
Nxt Newsletter / week 1000
English corrections 300
Thesis 5000
Infographic 3000
Excellent Animation video
Longer Live Informational Video 3000
Longer How to video 1000
Video document
Ebay selling Nxt 100
Unique's Swarm / 30 swarms 30000
graphics (set) 500
Short Live Informational Video 1000
Important Social Media site / month (many followers and tweets) 1000
Important main website / month 3000
Site with many original articles / month 1000 (if articles werent paid)
PS: I have never sent any Nxt to myself from NxtMarketing fund, yet, only today from the conference fund. Since Come-from-beyond wrote he sent me the funds also to pay myself for organisation, there will be probably some discussions about that. + some payments from the open bounty table aswell, after completed texts, graphics and videos will be published