My stance on this is similar to the tarot cards! I don't think prayers can actually do anything and miracles are just coincidences at best, which haven't been observed well enough by some people who then claim that something supernatural (or even heavenly intervention) has occurred!
There are no coincidences. To imply there are coincidences is to imply there is randomness. Life is not random. Every action as a reaction. Everything you do forever effects the world around you. The world is the way it is because we have created it to be so, intelligent design.
Every action you make will change the path of your entire life, in each waking moment.
As someone who has seen and done the impossible, I can attest that reality is not a closed system. Reality is a reflection of our perception. If we perceive limitations and impossibilities, than it will be so. If we perceive the opposite perception, infinity, then it will be so.
As long as you subject your mind to false beliefs, negativity, ego, you will be trapped in the reactionary world. The world of science - limits and transitionary processes - death.
When you can perceive your existence from the other end of the spectrum, from the soul, you can free yourself from the entanglement of life in hell. You can ascend to a higher plane of existence, which comes from within. Every negative has an opposite. Instead of creating thought processes of negativity - I can't, it won't, it's impossible, etc - find the opposite and resonate positive thoughts within your mind - I can, it will, it's possible, etc.
Your thoughts alter your existence and ultimately, following positive thoughts will lead you to affirming positive beliefs when your mind surpasses a level of understanding beyond the negativity you once perceived.
We are gods who have forgotten we are gods. Once we become self aware of our true state of existence, rather than our false delusion we currently live in, we will be free from the forces of negativity that constrict our existence.
We all have the power inside of us, all it takes is you to find the will and empower it. Where there is a will, there is a way. If you indefinitely subject yourself to negative thought patterns, judgments and beliefs, you will not find the will to be as you were made to be - infinite.