Say your opinion!
A hypothetical question that does not necessarily have any ulterior motive; If Anoncoin switched hashing algorithm, what type of hashing algorithm would you liked to see then?
Not quite sure... I'd say CPU only BUT ... in the end the hashing Algo won't change much, right? Mostly the price would be influenced by this.
If we would be able to mine more ANC with cheaper gadgets ... or more ANC with more expensive ones, the price will fluctuate in the beginning.
why not let ANC stay the way it is? but well yeah, I prefer CPU ... simply cuz I got a bad GPU
The only CPU hashing algorithm that is truly CPU biased (at the moment) is the Cryptonight algorithm that Monero uses. Being so CPU biased does leave it open to most of the hashed coins going to botnets. Going to Cryptonight and usuing AuxPoW with Monero is a good option in my opinion as Anoncoin and Monero have already partnered up on the I2p work - - with the latest smartphones getting 64bit ARM processors then it may eventually become possible for anyone with a smartphone to earn some ANC (while charging) and earn a stake in the network easily. Although the more CPU biased a coin is then the more profitable it is for botnets to hash.
Other good options include the new NeoScrypt that Feathercoin is looking at. Which seems like it will be GPU biased eventually which should help keep the botnets a bit further away from owning all the hashed coins - - Or the Lyra2 algo that Vertcoin is moving too looks like it should be GPU biased - My favorite option though is a myriad of those three algo's and possible more while also utilizing AuxPoW with the respective coins. As the AuxPoW will greatly increase the hashrate of each chain therefore making it a lot more secure from attack. Also using a myriad scheme then an attacker would need to control more than one chain. If that idea entails more work than the devs have time for. Then my next favorite option would be AuxPoW with Myriadcoin itself. Then my next favorite option is AuxPoW with either Vertcoin, Feathercoin or Monero and in that order of preference. As the Vertcoin devs has stated they will always do whatever is possible to avoid ASIC centralisation. While Monero with Cryptonight opens up the doors to botnets although does have advantages too that anyone with a CPU can hash it.
All the options I suggest avoid the centralisation of ASIC's (for now). While if you was to use a myriad scheme plus AuxPoW with each respective coin then the network would become very secure from attack.