I just wanted to make a quick update on the RSA UFO generation. It's close to being done, but at the tail end, I will make the B1 bound quickly increase (which will mean more CPU and memory usage). Because of the memory usage, I advise you all to put -maxmem <#MB to use> in index.js (ask in IRC for help with this). This prevents your OS from killing the ecm workers due to out of memory conditions.
To tell if it is working, you shouldn't see warnings in the output like "ecm exited with code/signal SIGKILL" or "ecm exited with code/signal 1". If you have set -maxmem and you still see these errors, decrease the value and try again.
Also, to exit gracefully, in a separate console, run "kill -HUP `pidof nodejs`" (or `pidof node`, for OS X / Arch users). This means that the client will stop getting new work from the server, and exit after all existing work is complete and the results are sent back to the server. Another effect is that information about factors found is printed, like you see below.
Also, that's a lot to everyone who has participated so far!
Factors found so far:
r_ufos[0]: [
r_ufos[1]: [
r_ufos[2]: [
r_ufos[3]: [
r_ufos[4]: [
r_ufos[5]: [
r_ufos[6]: [
r_ufos[7]: [
r_ufos[8]: [
r_ufos[9]: [
r_ufos[10]: [
r_ufos[11]: [
r_ufos[12]: [
r_ufos[13]: [
r_ufos[14]: [
r_ufos[15]: [
Deactivated UFO candidates: 5, 7, 13. These were deactivated because, after dividing out all found factors, the results were found to be either prime or less than 3456 bits in length.
The thirteen candidates still active have been tested up to B1 bound 19,000,000.