I've got a small farm of block erupters. One of them is showing massive hardware errors, so I suspect it's going bad. Is there an easy way to identify the physical device, short of unplugging all my erupters one by one until the bad one goes zombie?
Secondly, I have a few Klondike based miners. In the config file, I have this setting:
At startup, cgminer clearly is reading the setting; it outputs a line with the Klondike setting that has the right frequency and says the cutoff temp is 65 (too fast for me to copy/paste). However, in actual hashing, the cutoff temp is 55. I remember reading something from a few months back where either Con or Kano mentioned that the 55 is hard coded, but I lost track of the issue and what the resolution was. Was that ever fixed, or is it intentional that the temp is locked at 55? I'd rather not do a personal compilation of cgminer if I can avoid it.
Thanks in advance.