I recently added two 5970s to a Windows 7 64 rig that was running stable with one 5970 and one 5830. The previous stable configuration was run at 815/170 361MHx2 and 1000/170 315MH for a total average hashrate of 1037 MH. I've always used 11.12 with SDK 2.1 to avoid the CPU bug without issues. With adding the two most recent 5970s to the rig CGminer detects all 7 of the gpus, but none of the cores will hash correctly. Currently the 5970s are set at 805/170 with the 5830 staying at 1000/170. With the additional 5970s I am only averaging 1977-2115 MH, which is far from what I was expecting. I can set all of the clocks with CGminer, but as soon as I adjust the intensity on any core the intensity of all of the others drops. If I continue to adjust the intensity on all of the cores the total hash rate of every one will drop to around half of what it was previously at. In CGminer when adjusting the clocks it will display something to the manner of "GPUs using dynamic intensity, only using one core." The GPU usage hangs around 73-77% load on each core when left on dynamic. Upon changing the intensity and having the cores' hash rate halve the load drops to around 55%.
I've noticed a few things:
1. Upon starting Windows 7 I receive the following error message:
The message displays the following text:
Files that help describe the problem:
Read our privacy statement online:
http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=104288&clcid=0x0409If the online privacy statement is not available, please read our privacy statement offline:
2. Upon starting CGminer it only disables threads with odd numbers: 1, 3, 5... 13 for a total of 7 threads.
3. Adding --gpu-threads|-2 or --intensity|-9 automatically closes the program.
4. Underclocking and undervolting have not affect on the hash rate issue.
5. Removing / reinstalling SDKs, 11.12, and CGminer have no affect.
Rig Parts:
MSI h61m-p21
Powered risers
G440 Celeron
4GB ram
ABS 1100 PSU
I thought I finally had everything running correctly, but... The night I got this rig running with the extra 5970s it melted a power adapter in my outlet and shutoff my two left rigs. Thankfully, I caught it a few hours later in the morning as the metal parts of the adapter were melting inside of the outlet. I promptly changed the plugs on my power strips and started searching for some answers to this problem. I found a few instances of this happening, but no one really has a solid answer to what is going on. Any help would be greatly appreciated.