What's the point of anyone mining from a FutureBit node if there is no reward? What purpose is there to secure something you aren't rewarded for? Why waste electricity, time, bandwidth, hassles for just a good feeling?
You miss the whole point of the system. As has already been said, the node is just there to help keep the blockchain widely distributed and secure. Period.
Unless you have an excellent connection to the BTC network - preferably one giving fast connections to networks used by the big pools - even if you find a block using your node for (solo) mining would just most likely result in you having orphans issues (and losing) because of slow propagation time to the other pools. The miner is the main part but - since there is controller running it that most of the time has a lot of free clock cycles available, might as well use it as node as well...
I kind of disagree with this. The point of running a node is to be able to broadcast your own transactions without using a 3rd party. Whenever you use a client like trezor wallet suite or the ledger app, you are using their node to transmit your bitcoin on the block chain. You are essentially trusting someone else to be honest with your bitcoin.
while running a node does benefit the network because you seed block data to other nodes, verify other transactions & "listen" for attacks, there is a benefit to running one yourself and using the data you verified yourself to transmit a transaction. you don't need to trust anyone to send a transaction. in an emergency such as a nation state attack, running your own node would be the only way to 100% broadcast a transaction with privacy & assurance.
That said - does anyone know how to actually install bitcoin core on this thing? I am new to linux/ubuntu and not very familiar with how to trouble shoot things. I tried installing Bitcoin Core but didn't really have any luck It would be nice to be able to use this device to broadcast transactions using my local node's data.
I have never installed or used Bitcoin Core or sent a transaction using my own node. If anyone can point me in the right direction, I would definitely make a DIY video & post it on YT so others can do so as well.