The Moonlanders are connected to a powered USB hub which also powers the 12V 80mm fan using a 5V->12V regulator. That hub is then connected via usb to the Apollo which will automatically detect the two Moonlanders as /dev/ttyUSB0 and /dev/ttyUSB1. As there aren't other serial usb devices connected, it can be assumed that all /dev/ttyUSB prefixed devices are Moonlanders.
After that, it's only a matter of getting bfgminer running. I didn't try using the bfgminer that runs the Apollo (as root user) as the dashboard showed no signs of supporting multiple devices internally. I transferred the Moonlander bfgminer binary package for Raspberry Pi (works because of being the same cpu architecture) to the unit using the futurebit username, configured it to scan only those specific serial usb devices and use a different api port:
./bfgminer --scrypt -o stratum+tcp:// \
--scan-time 1 --queue 1 \
-u username -p "password,d=1024" \
-S "MLD:/dev/ttyUSB0" -S "MLD:/dev/ttyUSB1" --set MLD:clock=${freq} \
--api-port 4030 --api-listen --api-allow R:0/0
That's added to a script with freq defined and started in a screen which results in the Moonlanders working without disturbing anything Apollo related. Obviously, nothing new shows up in the Apollo dashboard.