So, you may need to figure out where the Moonlander is connected, then declare it. I just got into this, and if you are not used to to the terminal it can be frustrating. I wrote this so it will do the work for you in Linux (if you are on a Raspberry Pi).
export MoonlanderDEV=$(dmesg | grep tty | awk '/cp210x/ {print $NF}' | tail -n1)
echo $MoonlanderDEV
./bfgminer --scrypt -S /dev/$MoonlanderDEV --set MLD:clock=600 -o stratum+tcp:// -u
if you run "dmesg | grep tty" it will return the plug/unplug events and state where the device "mounts". Awk then searches and prints only the appropriate line (something to the effect of "ttyUSB0"). Tail only prints the last time it was done. I set that as an environmental variable, then run the bfgminer based on that.
(I only do this because I also have a Gekko Newpac and the two do not play well together unless you specify the ports)
I hope this helps!
Thank you so much for taking the time to help me. I was getting frustrated because no matter what i tried or looked for on the internet did not work :/ The code that you have me enter, when do i enter that? after i run the whole BFGminer setup?
You need to have a working bfgminer program first (so download and untar the one from the futurebit website). Then cd to that directory "cd bfgminer". Then run the three commands one at a time. (the echo is not really necessary, but I like to see that the script is working, so it should return something like ttyUSB0). Then the following line will actually start the mining, so you don't use the anymore.
TL;DR. Enter it in the same directory as the bfgminer program.
Best of luck!
Very Much appreciate it! (dmesg | grep tty | awk '/cp210x/ {print $NF}' | tail -n1) is this symbol "|" suppose to represent anything in the command line