Ok new issue. But this seems to be related to the cp210x. In ubuntu 18.04 LTS linux distro, I have successfully got the moonlander mining Verge coin. The problem I am having is when I connect a Gekkoscience newpac miner to the system. I am not Linux tech savy enough to correct the issue. What happens is that when moonlander is running it'll start erroring out with input/output errors. I can't have both of them running at the same time. Even with Moonlander connected to a USB2.0 port and running the newpac on a USB 3.0 port.
When I run the following command: dmesg | grep ttyUSB it appears the cp210x will disconnect from ttyusb0 (moonlander is on) and connect to ttyusb1 (gekko newpac is on) and alternate between the two causing bfgminer to fail on the moonlander.
Any ideas on how to keep it from alternating like this and have both running together? I tested on my windows machine and both are able to work together without issue. Ubuntu on the other hand no so. When I ran the below command 'before' launching the mining software, it showed correctly moonlander device on usb0 and the gekko on usb1. 'After' running the miner, the below is what happens and I believe is the reason for the issue. Soon I will be attaching an Arduino Uno for some electronic projects I am working on and believe this will possibly create issues with it as well. Help is appreciated. Just don't know how to correct. Thanks
You need to figure out which tty each is attached too, and make sure you specify in bfgminer/cgminer to not auto-scan (ie use the -S /dev/ttyUSB0) flag.
My driver is pretty good at filtering out the right ASIC before injecting commands to the chip, but im pretty sure gekkosciences driver starts sending commands as soon as it finds a UART chip, which is why it screws up the moonlanders. Make sure auto-scan is not enabled will keep each driver from trying to send commands to the wrong usb miner.
Is this possible to do on Terminal? What is the command to turn off auto-scan? I how do I discover the USB bus address?
I know you don't manufacture the device, but it seems that the VCP driver used with the MacOS ML2 install causes cgminer to not be able to detect the NewPacs. Do you think rerouting both devices to their specific corresponding USB address would avoid this error?
I'm new to this and have really been enjoying learning through this trouble shooting process. My next step is to crib from the Linux process described in the original response to your above post #1894.
ALSO, I ordered the BTC full node and 2 standard units to pair with it. I dig your ethos, man. Thanks.