this is the code : 167131
This is your zipzap acct. # ? Please use the quote button when responding to me.
i'm not have account in zipzap.... I have only this code, they sent me after I made the payment
Who sent you this code? What is the code labeled as?
How much trouble huh my friend!
I received this code in an email from zipzap titled as proof of payment ...
You do not have access to anything out there?
I await return
Can you take a screen shot of this email?
Yes, I'm sending the screen shot by pm
Man, this is getting very tiring ...
you have all the data I have, and now asks me screenshot?
Please check with your sources that my payment has already been made,
I am now awaiting the MY ADDRESS IN MY Bitcoins.
Give me an email address so I can send you the attached image, or you forward the email ...
I believe someone just posted instructions about how to find your zipzap acct. #. Did you try finding that by searching your email?