Please help with this transfer. I suppose I need either a MtGox coupon or for you to transfer the money directly into my MtGox account.
Hey there,
This is to notify you that your order has been updated, please find the details below:
To Redeem your MTGox Coupon (GoxCoupon field below): Log on to Under 'Funding Options' click 'Add Funds'.
In the drop down menu, choose 'Redeem MtGox Code' and paste that code in the field.
OrderID: dc479115-adc3-4362-9f61-b48a063b6796
EventID: d6128187-3387-4643-b347-53589f5a59df
DestAccount: 74833
QuoteID: ec264926-ef55-4bfa-9018-53cc3c347717
DestExchange: mtgox
eventtype: Order executed
EventSentAt: 1363563471.46
APIResponse: None
GoxCoupon: {u'error': u'Must be logged in'}
FundsSent: $480.05 USD
just got the same error. PM'ing Yankee my info
I'll just post it here:
OrderID: 2d0536f0-f485-42d7-9b99-f89550887ece
GoxCoupon: {u'error': u'Must be logged in'}