Id like to see updates from the developers on what they have up their sleeve now, other than LTC this is the only alt im invested in.
I have been trading on the stock market for years, I have years of experience in various investments around the world. I wont get into specifics, but Ive done very well, including with BTC and LTC, Ive invested in both from the start.
I say this because PXC is the only the only other alt I have invested in, and my experience and gut has always led me into the right direction. This will make money.
Some of the stuff you can find in our threads, other things are being kept quiet.
It is not that we do not want to tell you, but there are others out there, with out an original thought and feed on others ideas.
Once we open the exchange, things will come back on course.
I've been busy writing the exchange and doing a complete restructure of our transaction system to get ready for the exchange and other projects.
I've written many Adult affiliate programs and CC transaction systems, I needed bring this stuff more inline with those.
It takes time now, but makes thing much easier down the road.
We are extremely pleased with how PXC has been received. When we started, the coin was just secondary concern.
Now it is a primary concern, not only for us, but for you as well, this has forced us to change our time line.
We originally thought the coin would be something that people could have fun with as we built different things.
PXC's roll has changed, people are heavily invested in PXC and we take this very seriously.
I would much rather be programming the casino, it is more fun then securing servers and building transaction systems, but our responsibility to our coin holders comes first.
John and I are always around, and are reachable by anyone. We are happy to answer questions any time, even if sometimes our answers are limited.
I do not care if you have 10 coins or 10,000 if you have an issue or question we will respond.
I know it is a lot to ask, to trust that we know what we are doing, but we did very well in adult and are applying the same principles here.
We can not rush things out, we have to build a solid foundation on which to build. This is what we are doing now, it just takes some time.
While I work on the tech stuff, John is busy making deals and putting people together to further not only PXC but crypto in general.
This industry has some big hurdles to over come, and we are taking steps to help over come them.
Sorry for the long read and vague answers, this was more of statement on how we see things.
Once the exchange opens, thing will start to happen much faster.