By golly! You got this post right.
Sadly, you honestly believe that I'm not providing a valuable service here, and probably believe that I'm the bad guy. That makes you one fucked up dude.
Maybe you're just butthurt because I have free miner in the back of my car due to Josh's ignorance, but you have to go to the factory and build the three you paid ~$16K so that you can ROI quicker after having your order delay my now your boss. That's pretty fucked up if you think about it. At least you'll have a story to tell your grandchild if you can find a women as stupid as you to bare at least one child having a couple active brain cells. If that happens, perhaps you can volunteer your service to build the special bus needed to take your kid to school.
Your miner doesn't work phin. Or it'll work for roughly 10-20 minutes. You have a miner with the previous board and no solder mask, also those boards are made with .5 oz copper. The board has to be a minimum of 1 oz copper to with stand the heat. You have a demo machines that was laying around the office.
Thanks for being anti-semetic and driving 600 miles to pick up a prototype.
Again, just quoting for posterity.