Slovenia has a systemic risk embedded, no way we'll put your money there.
Third party financial institutions taking risk on a bitcoin related business? You must be kidding me.....
If you find one you win 10 BTC, not only 1.
Thanks anyway
Bitfinex Team
I'd bet you have already looked into this, but have you considered a bank from the same group of Bitstamp ?
I'm not sure about it, but I believe that you could obtain bank deposits/withdrawals in the same day even between banks in different countries, if they belong to the same group. This has been reported somewhere in this forum some time ago, so it must be taken with a grain of salt.
If this is indeed confirmed, you could try and find a country with a lower systemic risk than Slovenia.
I'm considering myself opening an UniCredit Group account in my country, should what I said above be confirmed and my needs require it.