and you have admitted to my only problem with the attack on og you can doctor the evidence.
This thread isn't even based on my data:
It's based on
BPIP, which (I think) is currently owned by
suchmoon and ibminer.
edit: to be clear this attack on this thread done against Og is done with evidence that may or may not have been doctored.
If that would be the case, don't you think OgNasty would have pointed it out already?
btw the only person that verifies loyce list is theymos.
I'd be honored if theymos takes the time to verify my
Trust list viewer, but I don't think he does.
it does appear he did take some forked coins.
OgNasty never took Forkcoins without theymos' permission:
In the case of the treasury agreement: all forkcoins were always forum property from the beginning. I voluntarily gifted OgNasty the non-major forkcoins, since dealing with them would be more trouble than they're worth. The three forkcoins transferred to me were ones I specified. Airdrops are different. I don't think that OgNasty should've collected airdrops via forum BTC, but collecting and keeping airdrops was not prohibited by the agreement, and the forum has no agreement-wise claim on those coins.