Asian countries are notoriously poor performers in football. And that is the reason why India and China almost never qualify for the world cup, despite having a combined population of 2.8 billion. In case of Saudi Arabia and the other Arab nations, they have a few "mercenary" players who have been naturalized as Saudi citizens and this has helped them in their journey during the qualification matches. FIFA want to increase the representation from Asia and Africa and has incraesed the slots for these regions in the world cup. But that is not going to help unless the quality improves.
China and India have never been involved in the development of football, but China has started to do so by investing a lot of money in buying players for about 10 years and I think in another 10 years they will have a strong generation of players. Thus, China will be added to the already strong South Korea and Japan. As for Africa, there are already many strong teams due to the fact that many players from this continent play in European football.