justin gillet wrote that particular part. why don't you ask him.
if(isset($_POST["fchk"])) {
if(isUserAdmin($id00)) {
if($_POST["Transaction_Id"] != NULL && $_POST["Coin"] != NULL) {
$tid = mysql_real_escape_string(trim($_POST["Transaction_Id"]));
$coin = mysql_real_escape_string(trim($_POST["Coin"]));
$sql = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM Wallets WHERE `Acronymn`='$coin'");
$id = @mysql_result($sql,0,"Id");
$sql2 = @mysql_query("SELECT * FROM deposits WHERE `Transaction_Id`='$tid' AND `Coin`='$coin'");
$id2 = @mysql_result($sql2,0,"id");
$paid = @mysql_result($sql2,0,"Paid");
$wallet = new Wallet($id);
$trans = @$wallet->gettransaction($tid);
echo '
echo '
if($trans != null) {
if(is_array($trans)) {
if(in_array("Invalid or non-wallet transaction id", $trans,true)) {
echo "non wallet transaction id or invalid tx";
$account = $trans["details"][0]["account"];
$category = $trans["details"][0]["category"];
$confirms = $trans["confirmations"];
$amount = $trans["amount"];
if($id2 != NULL) {
if($paid == 0) {
if($category == "receive" && $confirms > 3 && $account != "")
mysql_query("UPDATE deposits SET `Paid`='1' WHERE `id`='$id2'");
AddMoney($amount, $account, $coin);
echo $amount." ".$coin." was credited to your account";
echo $amount." ".$coin." was already credited to the account.";
if($category == "receive" && $account != "") {
if($confirms > 5) {
mysql_query("INSERT INTO deposits (`Transaction_Id`,`Amount`,`Coin`,`Paid`,`Account`) VALUES ('$tid','$amount','$coin','1','$account');");
AddMoney($amount, $account, $coin);
echo $amount." ".$coin." was successfully credited to the account";
mysql_query("INSERT INTO deposits (`Transaction_Id`,`Amount`,`Coin`,`Paid`,`Account`) VALUES ('$tid','$amount','$coin','0','$account');");
echo "This Deposit is unconfirmed. Current confirmations:" . $confirms .". Required : 6.";
echo "transaction is not a deposit or account is invalid.";
echo "Contact the admin. Error Code: 35-1a";
Error Code 35-la
the result wasn't an array. so its probably invalid. inform customer to disregard.
Any idea why it wouldn't strip the zeros(since they are obviously in the database?)