As you can see, rest of the conversation is relatively meaningless but I'll post it here.
2012-09-01 21:28:52 jimbit its called cya
2012-09-01 21:28:55 [\\\] of course, I cannot speak for pirate, he doesn't tell me anything
2012-09-01 21:29:01 jcpham i blame imsaguy for everything
2012-09-01 21:00:29:05 jimbit lol
2012-09-01 21:29:09 [\\\] that fucking asshole
2012-09-01 21:29:13 jcpham yep
2012-09-01 21:29:20 @pirateat40 The PPT that didn't' comply will have a long road ahead. Those that contacted me ahead of time "Friday" are clear.2012-09-01 21:29:27 jcpham he promised me the moon and stars
2012-09-01 21:29:36 jcpham and then once i sent the coin
2012-09-01 21:29:36 [\\\] lol "Friday"
2012-09-01 21:29:40 jcpham ignored me
2012-09-01 21:29:48 Smoovious and the ones who can't comply even if they wanted to?
2012-09-01 21:29:55 [\\\] pirateat40: is there just one ppt that didn't comply or should that have a "s" at the end?
2012-09-01 21:30:18 @pirateat40 I'm wanted to speak for awhile now, but I someone stole my ship.2012-09-01 21:30:20 Gladamas pirateat40, did complying mean sending all of their subaccount-users info, or just the ppt op's info?
2012-09-01 21:30:30 eskimobob why do you need TYGR's bond holders names?
2012-09-01 21:30:40 [\\\] hey eskimobob, didn't I ban you?
2012-09-01 21:30:46 robocoin pirateat40, did reply to you?
2012-09-01 21:30:49 eskimobob go to GLBSE; open up a account and set the bid wall - you are done
2012-09-01 21:30:51 @pirateat40 Finally things are progressing and I've returned to my boat.2012-09-01 21:31:05 runlinux that's good to hear pirateat40
2012-09-01 21:31:10 @pirateat40 It's going to get better to some, I promise.2012-09-01 21:31:12 Eisenhower34 "progressing" means what?
2012-09-01 21:31:21 [\\\] Eisenhower34: generally "moving along"
2012-09-01 21:31:24 runlinux hey, i don't care what it means at this point
2012-09-01 21:31:29 eskimobob [\\\]: i guess you realized you made a mistake. Thank you for that. This is only channel for any information
2012-09-01 21:31:31 runlinux it means yesterday < today
2012-09-01 21:31:41 [\\\] eskimobob: then lets keep it to facts
2012-09-01 21:31:42 @pirateat40 That's all for now, back to your regularly scheduled trolling.2012-09-01 21:31:46 runlinux doh!
2012-09-01 21:31:48 runlinux lol
2012-09-01 21:31:58 eskimobob [\\\]: I always do
2012-09-01 21:31:58 runlinux later!
2012-09-01 21:31:59 Eisenhower34 so all you say was things are progessing...
2012-09-01 21:32:01 CrazyHarold
pirateat40, go fuck yourself. thanks for nothing.2012-09-01 21:32:05 [\\\] eskimobob: that isn't true
2012-09-01 21:32:16 [\\\] .kb CrazyHarold Have a nice day.
2012-09-01 21:32:16 -- Mode #btcst [+b *!*@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] by imsaguy2
2012-09-01 21:32:16 <-- imsaguy2 has kicked CrazyHarold (Have a nice day.)
2012-09-01 21:32:17 Eisenhower34 i mean.. there is no info at all in this statement
2012-09-01 21:32:26 jcpham he can have that opinion
2012-09-01 21:32:26 Smoovious ahh, can just feel the love CH has...
2012-09-01 21:32:30 Smoovious :eyerolls:
2012-09-01 21:32:33 Eisenhower34 when do you intend to pay? how much do you intend to pay?
2012-09-01 21:32:35 jcpham who was that
2012-09-01 21:32:35 Mqrius Eisenhower34: You have to read between the lines
2012-09-01 21:32:42 Smoovious jcpham: who cares
2012-09-01 21:32:44 [\\\] jcpham: fuck if I care.
2012-09-01 21:32:56 jcpham why am i the only stalker
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