piotr_n - It should be noted that the timestamps I provided on those posts are set to my local zone.
Nefario may have a different stamp, Is this something Nefario took into consideration?
Not sure if that would close the gap or not, just something that popped into my mind.
Wherever the reason is, until he gives me a reasonable explanation for what I have seen, I don't trust him anymore.
If he wants his reputation to go down to zero, to the point where Goat's reputation is already - I respect his choice.
Don't start dragging me into your conspiracy theories.
You contacted me asking for details, pointing to the thread where goat says OK.
I provided details and not only are you still not happy, you're trying to insinuate that I'm wrapped up in some scam involving Goat.
I don't know if you've ever heard of Google but you can search nefario and goat and you will find that we're not exactly on the most pleasant of terms.
I'm not terribly interested in what you remember a particular number on a particular date, frankly if it was so important why didn't you write it down, that number by the way comes from the API thats not published.
The fact is, Goat hasn't sold or transferred out any of this asset since Pirate made his announcement(as stated before he's been buying them). Trying to poke holes in this, with numbers that "you remember" and have "changed" over the last few weeks means nothing.
I'm done with this thread.
The fact that I am dragging you into my conspiracy theories is just a consequence of you refusing to answer my PMs.
You wanted it public - you've got it.
What you are saying Nefario just doesn't add up.
Why would be Goat transferring the assets out last Thursday, if at that point the market price was below 1BTC and he was actually pretending to be buying the bonds back?
There are several people here who were about to send him their bonds for a buy-back... some of them even already did it.
All the proofs are in the thread.
And if there is something wrong with the "API thats
not published", you can always check out a backup from the last weekend and see it.
I did not write it down, but I am not insane I know what I saw: it was less than 28k - in fact it was even less than 27895 (the last div amount).
Also, since this is all about business, I don't think it matters if you like Goat or not - either way his business makes a big part of your profit.
So you have an actual incentive to defend his reputation, or whatever is left from it.
At least in a short term, beacuse in a long term pleasing the crook will likely turn against you.